2007 - 2008
Workshop on Integrable Systems
February 18 - 29, 2008 |
The IISc Mathematics Initiative (IMI), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore will be organizing a workshop on Integrable Systems from February 18 - 29, 2008.
This workshop will start with the basics of classical integrable systems. The topics to be covered include : Finite dimensional integrable systems, Hirota’s bilinear method and its connection with integrability, ultra discrete systems, poisson manifolds, geometrical and Lie theoretical aspects of integrable systems, ordinary integrable systems, super symmetric integrable systems and non commutative integrable systems, AKS-Principle and Integrability and plans to apply to nonlinear PDEs, integrability and linearizability of finite degrees of freedom nonlinear systems, NEVANLINNA theory and integrable discrete systems, symmetries, hamiltonian structures and integrability: continuous and discrete systems, non local symmetries for nonlinear differential and lattice evolution equations, Quasi-integrable systems and solvable SUSY quantum mechanics, Quantum integrability , quantum algebra and Algebraic Bethe ansatz, Calogero and other long-range interacting models and their symmetries, Special overview of ' 1D quantum spin models' as An application of quantum solvable systems.
There would also be some introduction of Yangian quantum group (from physicist's point of view) and discussion on how such quantum group symmetry arises in models like Calogero-Sutherland model, Haldane-Shastry spin chain and influences the spectra of such models.
There would be about 30 outstation participants (including initial graduate students, young and interested faculty, scientists and industry participants).
A maximum of 10 seats will be reserved for scientists from organizations, which finance the theme programme.
Students and faculty from IISc who desire to participate in the theme programme will need to register.
Note: This web page will be modified continuously with updated information on paper submission and status, session themes, registration status and other details. So, please keep checking.