2007 - 2008
Workshop on Dynamical Systems
October 22 - November 03, 2007
The IISc Mathematics Initiative (IMI), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore will be organizing a workshop on Dynamical systems from October 22 - November 03, 2007.
This workshop will provide an introduction to the mathematical theory of dynamical systems. The topics to be covered include : attractors, topological dependence, invariant measures and ergodic theorems, Perron-Frobenius operator, Gibbs measures, Lyapunov exponents, fractal dimensions, general principles of bifurcation theory, Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction vs Center Manifold theorem, elementary bifurcations – pitchfork bifurcation as a consequence of Z2 symmetry, Hopf bifurcations as a consequence of time translation invariance in the equations Equivariant bifurcation theory, basics on group actions and equivariance of vector fields, equivariant branching lemma – steady – state and Hopf cases, examples and counter-examples, relative equilibria and relative periodic orbits, definitions and main properties, bifurcations from relative equilibria , spatially extended systems, attractors.
There would be about 30 outstation participants (including initial graduate students, young and interested faculty, scientists and industry participants).
A maximum of 10 seats will be reserved for scientists from organizations, which finance the theme programme.
Students and faculty from IISc who desire to participate in the theme programme will need to register.
Note: This web page will be modified continuously with updated information on paper submission and status, session themes, registration status and other details. So, please keep checking.