The Conference is organized around 5 themes. Invited speakers are listed under these themes.
Note that a few speakers have not given their final confirmation yet.
Mathematical Aspects of Long Range Dependent (LRD) Processes
G. K. Basak (Bristol)
R. J. Bhansali (Liverpool)
P. Flandrin (ENS, Lyon)
H. L. Koul (Michigan State)
F. Mainardi (Bologna)
B. B. Mandelbrot (Yale)
G. Molchan (IIEPTMG, Moscow)
P. M. Robinson (London School of Economics)
Applications of LRD Processes in Physics
P. Abry (ENS, Lyon)
G. Ananthakrishna (IISc, Bangalore)
V. Balakrishnan (IIT, Madras)
M. Barma (TIFR, Mumbai)
A. Bulsara (SPAWAR, San Diego)
A. Erzan (Gursey)
A. D. Gangal (Pune)
I. Kanter (Bar-Ilan)
J. Klafter (Tel Aviv)
Applications of LRD Processes in Economics and Finance
R. Deo (New York)
A. Kirman (EHESS)
T. Lux (Kiel)
G. Silverberg (MERIT)
H. E. Stanley (Boston)
G. Teyssiere (Brussels and GREQAM)
Applications of LRD Processes in Communications
F. Baccelli (ENS, Paris)
U. B. Desai (IIT, Mumbai)
A. Erramilli (Qnetworx)
S. Juneja (IIT, Delhi)
P. Shahabuddin (Columbia)
V. Sharma (IISc, Bangalore)
K. Sigman (Columbia)
M. Taqqu (Boston)
Applications of LRD Processes in Biology
P. Chaudhuri (ISI, Calcutta)
P. Ch. Ivanov (Boston)
K. Linkenkaer-Hansen (Biomag Lab)
R. Ramaswamy (JNU, Delhi)
Y. Yamamoto (Tokyo)
R. Yulmetyev (Kazan)