Inclusion-exclusion formula is nice when we can calculate the probabilities of intersections of the events under consideration. Things are not always this nice, and sometimes that may be very difficult. Even if we could find them, summing them with signs according to the inclusion-exclusion formula may be difficult as the example 56 demonstrates. The idea behind the inclusion-exclusion formula can however be often used to compute approximate values of probabilities, which is very valuable in most applications. That is what we do next.
We know that $\mathbf{P}(A_{1}\cup \ldots \cup A_{n})\le \mathbf{P}(A_{1})+\ldots +\mathbf{P}(A_{n})$ for any events $A_{1},\ldots ,A_{n}$. This is an extremely useful inequality, often called the union bound. Its usefulness is in the fact that there is no assumption made about the events $A_{i}$s (such as whether they are disjoint or not). The following inequalities generalize the union bound, and gives both upper and lower bounds for the probability of the union of a bunch of events.
Similarly, one can prove the other inequalities in the series. We leave it as an exercise. The key point is that $r-\binom{r}{2}+\ldots +(-1)^{k-1}\binom{r}{k}$ is non-negative if $k$ is odd and non-positive if $k$ is even (prove this). Here as always $\binom{x}{y}$ is interpreted as zero if $y > x$.