These are the publications by Gautam Bharali after he joined the department.

  1. Bharali, Gautam, On the growth of the Bergman metric near a point of infinite type, J. Geom. Anal. , 30 (2020), 1238-1258. (Article) (Review)
  2. Bharali, Gautam and Chandel, Vikramjeet Singh, Pick interpolation on the polydisc: small families of sufficient kernels, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory , 13 (2019), 2069-2093. (Article) (Review)
  3. Bharali, Gautam and Biswas, Indranil and Divakaran, Divakaran and Janardhanan, Jaikrishnan, Proper holomorphic mappings onto symmetric products of a Riemann surface, Doc. Math. , 23 (2018), 1291-1311. (Review)
  4. Bharali, Gautam and Biswas, Indranil and Schumacher, Georg, A criterion for a degree-one holomorphic map to be a biholomorphism, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. , 62 (2017), 914-918. (Article) (Review)
  5. Bharali, Gautam and Sridharan, Shrihari, Holomorphic correspondences related to finitely generated rational semigroups, Internat. J. Math. , 28 (2017), 1750108, 25. (Article) (Review)
  6. Bharali, Gautam and Zimmer, Andrew, Goldilocks domains, a weak notion of visibility, and applications, Adv. Math. , 310 (2017), 377-425. (Article) (Review)
  7. Bharali, Gautam, Complex geodesics, their boundary regularity, and a Hardy-Littlewood-type lemma, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. , 41 (2016), 253-263. (Article) (Review)
  8. Bharali, Gautam and Sridharan, Shrihari, The dynamics of holomorphic correspondences of P1: invariant measures and the normality set, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. , 61 (2016), 1587-1613. (Article) (Review)
  9. Bharali, Gautam, A family of domains associated with μ-synthesis, Integral Equations Operator Theory , 82 (2015), 267-285. (Article) (Review)
  10. Bharali, Gautam and Biswas, Indranil and Mj, Mahan, The Fujiki class and positive degree maps, Complex Manifolds , 2 (2015), 11-15. (Article) (Review)
  11. Bharali, Gautam and Biswas, Indranil, Rigidity of holomorphic maps between fiber spaces, Internat. J. Math. , 25 (2014), 1450006, 8. (Article) (Review)
  12. Bharali, Gautam and Janardhanan, Jaikrishnan, Proper holomorphic maps between bounded symmetric domains revisited, Pacific J. Math. , 271 (2014), 1-24. (Article) (Review)
  13. Bharali, Gautam, Model pseudoconvex domains and bumping, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN , (2012), 4924-4965. (Review)
  14. Bharali, Gautam, The local polynomial hull near a degenerate CR singularity: Bishop discs revisited, Math. Z. , 271 (2012), 1043-1063. (Article) (Review)
  15. Bharali, Gautam, Polynomial approximation, local polynomial convexity, and degenerate CR singularities--II, Internat. J. Math. , 22 (2011), 1721-1733. (Article) (Review)
  16. Bharali, Gautam and Gorai, Sushil, Uniform algebras generated by holomorphic and close-to-harmonic functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. , 139 (2011), 2183-2189. (Article) (Review)
  17. Bharali, Gautam, On the growth of the Bergman kernel near an infinite-type point, Math. Ann. , 347 (2010), 1-13. (Article) (Review)
  18. Bharali, Gautam and Stensønes, Berit, Plurisubharmonic polynomials and bumping, Math. Z. , 261 (2009), 39-63. (Article) (Review)
  19. Bharali, Gautam and Holtz, Olga, Functions preserving nonnegativity of matrices, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. , 30 (2008), 84-101. (Article) (Review)
  20. Bharali, Gautam, Some new observations on interpolation in the spectral unit ball, Integral Equations Operator Theory , 59 (2007), 329-343. (Article) (Review)
  21. Bharali, Gautam, Polynomial approximation, local polynomial convexity, and degenerate CR singularities, J. Funct. Anal. , 236 (2006), 351-368. (Article) (Review)

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