Circulation Information
MATH-LiB circulation policies are designed to ensure prompt and equitable access to our materials by all users. (Specific policies may vary somewhat between central and other departmental libraries.) Specific information about lending privileges for various groups (i.e. faculty, student, visitor, etc.) can be found here.
- The MATH-LiB's resources can be issued to users affiliated to a department of IISc only. Non-affiliated users of IISc facilities cannot borrow books from this Centre.
- You are requested to have your Library/Institutional ID in your possession to check out any MIRC materials.
- Any item borrowed from the MATH-LiB is subject to recall at any time, including during break periods and the summer months. We strongly urge you to return books to the MATH-LiB if you plan to be away from campus, particularly over breaks.
- You are personally responsible for the prompt and safe return of all MATH-LiB material checked out to you. Do not loan your books to others or leave them in an area where they may be stolen or damaged. To keep track of book due dates and to renew books, check your account online, or contact the MATH-LiB.
- It is your responsibility to notify the MIRC immediately if MATH-LiB material is lost, stolen, or damaged.
- All borrowed books must be returned, regardless of due date, if the borrower leaves the department.
Member(s) | No. of Books |
Faculty | 15 |
Post Doctoral Fellows | 10 |
Students | 10 |
Visitor Privileges
Any person may visit the Mathematics Information Resource Centre and access materials within the centre. Visitors, cannot borrow from this centre.
Non-circulating Items
Materials in the reference collection (i.e. encyclopedias & dictionaries) cannot be circulated.
Items Recalled
All issued items are renewable beyond the standard loan period unless recalled. Recalled items must be returned within 2 days of the date of recall.