Books Circulation
Math-LiB loans books to local users and non-IISc members affiliated to a department of IISc. It does not loan books to visitors, who can only refer to books within the Centre and can make photocopies. Reference books cannot be taken out of the Centre.
Reference Services
Math-LiB provides reference services to users to access our department and central library materials, and provides guidance in processing book-purchase requests. Please contact Reference Desk for information via or 080-2293 2265 (Ext. 221)
Book Recommendations
All users of the Math-LiB can recommend the purchase of titles for this library. Send your suggestions via Sing-in for Recommendations with clear bibliographical data such as title, author, year, publisher, etc., and you will be contacted by the librarian regarding your suggestion.
Catalogue Service
The Consolidated Math-LiB Information Resource Catalgoue helps to locate books (both printed & electronic), pre-prints, Ph.D. & M.S. Thesis, research papers & students' project reports placed in our Centre. Users can view special collections, circulation data, new arrivals, reserve items & cancel the reserved items through this OPAC. Users must logged onto the OPAC to access the full range of services. Visitors seeking a guest account on the OPAC must contact the Centre at the address
Request for books (Inter-library Loan)
Department of Mathematics members can request the librarian to make arrangements for borrowing books that are not currently available in the MIRC. The librarian will attempt, to the best of his/her ability, to meet such a request by querying other institutional libraries for an inter-library loan.