Prof. Apoorva Khare
MATH-LiB, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 12.
+91-80 2293 2514
Shanmugavel, S.
MATH-LiB, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 12.
080 2293 2265 Ext. 221
Acta Mathematica is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. All articles published in the journal during its time with Springer will remain fully searchable through our websites.
Acta Mathematica Hungarica features papers covering most areas of mathematics and, in particular, from those whose work is related to the advances being made by Hungarian mathematicians. It publishes mainly pure mathematics, but occasionally papers of a more applied nature appear in the journal providing they have a non-trivial mathematical content.
Acta Mathematica Hungarica (formerly Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae) was founded in 1950 by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It is now established as an international journal of repute.
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica is a peer-reviewed mathematical journal. The journal publishes original papers of high quality in all branches of Mathematics with strong focus on Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Topology, Complex Analysis, Dynamical Systems, Optimization and Partial Differential Equations.
Originally, the journal has been published under the name "Acta Scientiarum Vietnamicarum, Sectio Scientiarum Mathematicarum et Physicarum" by the Department of Mathematics and Physics, State Committee of Science (then State Committee of Science and Technology). The first issue was published in 1964 and continued until Volume 10 in 1974. In 1976 its name was changed to "Acta Mathematica Vietnamica" and since then it has been published by Institute of Mathematics, National Centre for Scientific Research (then Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology), beginning from Volume 1. Former Editors in Chief are Le Van Thiem (1976-1983), Hoang Tuy (1984-1990) and Ngo Viet Trung (1991-2007).
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series) is a quarterly journal established by the Chinese Mathematical Society. The journal publishes high quality research papers from all branches of applied mathematics, including partial differential equations, computational mathematics, applied probability, mathematical finance, statistics, dynamical systems, and optimization and management science.
An international journal sponsored by the Chinese Mathematical Society
Publishes high quality research papers reflecting latest development and trend from all branches of applied mathematics
Accelerates fundamental mathematical new findings applied to various disciplines
Interdisciplinary in its coverage, Advances in Applied Mathematics is dedicated to the publication of original and survey articles on rigorous methods and results in applied mathematics. The journal features articles on discrete mathematics, discrete probability theory, theoretical statistics, mathematical biology and bioinformatics, applied commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, convexity theory, experimental mathematics, theoretical computer science, and other areas.
Emphasizing papers that represent a substantial mathematical advance in their field, the journal is an excellent source of current information for mathematicians, computer scientists, applied mathematicians, physicists, statisticians, and biologists. Over the past ten years, Advances in Applied Mathematics has published research papers written by many of the foremost mathematicians of our time.
The Advances in Applied Probability has been published by the Applied Probability Trust for over four decades, and is a companion publication to the Journal of Applied Probability. It contains mathematical and scientific papers of interest to applied probabilists, with emphasis on applications in a broad spectrum of disciplines, including the biosciences, operations research, telecommunications, computer science, engineering, epidemiology, financial mathematics, the physical and social sciences, and any field where stochastic modeling is used.
A submission to Applied Probability represents a submission that may, at the Editor-in-Chief’s discretion, appear in either the Journal of Applied Probability or the Advances in Applied Probability. Typically, shorter papers appear in the Journal, with longer contributions appearing in the Advances.
Advances in Computational Mathematics publishes high quality, accessible and original articles at the forefront of computational and applied mathematics, with a clear potential for impact across the sciences. The journal emphasizes three core areas: 1) approximation theory and computational geometry, 2) numerical analysis, modelling and simulation, and 3) imaging, signal processing and data analysis.
This journal welcomes papers that are accessible to a broad audience in the mathematical sciences and that show either an advance in computational methodology or a novel scientific application area, or both. Methods papers should rely on rigorous analysis and/or convincing numerical studies.
Emphasizing contributions that represent significant advances in all areas of pure mathematics, Advances in Mathematics provides research mathematicians with an effective medium for communicating important recent developments in their areas of specialization to colleagues and to scientists in related disciplines.
aequationes mathematicae is an international journal of pure and applied mathematics, which emphasizes functional equations, dynamical systems, iteration theory, combinatorics, and geometry. The journal publishes research papers, reports of meetings, and bibliographies. High quality survey articles are an especially welcome feature. In addition, summaries of recent developments and research in the field are published rapidly.
Afrika Matematika is the Journal of the African Mathematical Union.
Its publication started in 1978. It provides a platform both for presenting high-level mathematical research done in Africa, and for bringing international mathematical research to Africa. Afrika Matematika is currently undergoing a substantial relaunch, under Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Jacek Banasiak of the University of Pretoria. Its Editorial Board has been restructured and widened to include distinguished mathematicians from various African countries, and from the other continents.
Analysis, which was founded in 1933, is the most established and esteemed journal for short papers in philosophy. We are happy to publish excellent short papers in any area of philosophy.
Analysis is now printed with the journal Analysis Reviews. Analysis Reviews is devoted to reviewing recent work in analytic philosophy. It carries detailed book symposia in which two or three writers comment on a book and the author replies; articles surveying recent work in specified fields; longer critical notices; and shorter reviews. Analysis Reviews does not cover the history of philosophy or continental philosophy, except insofar as works in these areas may have central relevance to analytic philosophy.
Analysis Mathematica publishes high quality research papers and invited survey articles in English.
All submitted papers are subject to individual refereeing by renowned experts. While the journal applies the highest standards of impartial peer refereeing, editorial decisions also take into consideration the depth and interest of the presented work. With all considerations, currently only about 15% of submitted papers are accepted.
Analysis Mathematica considers papers from all fields of classical analysis and from several fields of modern analysis, such as functional, convex and harmonic analysis, operator theory and potential theory, differentiation and integration theory, function theory in one and several variables and on infinite dimensional spaces, topological groups and semigroups, topological and metric spaces.
Each year one volume is published both in print and also electronically in four issues.
The Nonlinear Analysis section of the Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré is an international journal created in 1983 which publishes original and high quality research articles. It concentrates on all domains concerned with nonlinear analysis, specially applicable to PDE, mechanics, physics, economy, without overlooking the numerical aspects.
The goal of the Annales mathématiques du Québec (formerly: Annales des sciences mathématiques du Québec) is to be a high level journal publishing articles in all areas of pure mathematics, and sometimes in related fields such as applied mathematics, mathematical physics and computer science. From time to time, the journal will also publish thematic issues dealing with a specific topic.
Papers written in French or English may be submitted to one of the editors, and each published paper will appear with a short abstract in both languages.
This journal publishes articles on subjects of pure and applied mathematics, authored by scientists of all nationalities. Articles must be original and written in one of the following languages: English, French, German and Italian. Articles should be sent to Fondazione Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Details about article submission appear in the "Instructions for Authors".
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence presents a range of topics of concern to scholars applying quantitative, combinatorial, logical, algebraic and algorithmic methods to diverse areas of Artificial Intelligence, from decision support, automated deduction, and reasoning, to knowledge-based systems, machine learning, computer vision, robotics and planning.
The journal features collections of papers appearing either in volumes (400 pages) or in separate issues (100-300 pages), which focus on one topic and have one or more guest editors.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence hopes to influence the spawning of new areas of applied mathematics and strengthen the scientific underpinnings of Artificial Intelligence.
Will appeal to readers who apply quantitative, combinatorial, logical, algebraic and algorithmic methods to diverse areas of Artificial Intelligence.
Hopes to influence the spawning of new areas of applied mathematics and strengthen the scientific underpinnings of Artificial Intelligence.
The journal Annals of Pure and Applied Logic publishes high quality papers in all areas of mathematical logic as well as applications of logic in mathematics, in theoretical computer science and in other related disciplines. All submissions to the journal should be mathematically correct, well written (preferably in English)and contain relevant new results that are of significant interest to a substantial number of logicians. The journal also considers submissions that are somewhat too long to be published by other journals while being too short to form a separate memoir provided that they are of particular outstanding quality and broad interest. In addition, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic occasionally publishes special issues of selected papers from well-chosen conferences in pure and applied logic.
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (AISM) aims to provide a forum for open communication among statisticians, and to contribute to the advancement of statistics as a science to enable humans to handle information in order to cope with uncertainties. It publishes high-quality papers that shed new light on the theoretical, computational and/or methodological aspects of statistical science. Emphasis is placed on (a) development of new methodologies motivated by real data, (b) development of unifying theories, and (c) analysis and improvement of existing methodologies and theories.
The ANZIAM Journal considers papers in any field of applied mathematics and related mathematical sciences with the aim of rapid publication in print and electronic formats. Novel applications of mathematics in real situations are especially welcomed. All papers should include some indication of applicability, and an introduction that can be understood by non-specialist readers from the whole applied mathematical community.
The journal is published by the Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences and distributed by Springer.
Applications of Mathematics publishes original research papers of high scientific level that are directed towards the use of mathematics in different branches of science. The emphasis of the papers is on a solid mathematical analysis of problems from applications, in the form of proofs of mathematical theorems that are typically of more general use than only for the application under consideration. The journal publishes theorems on solutions to (partial) differential, integral, algebraic and stochastic equations, such as their well-posedness, their relevant properties, and their (numerical) approximation. Also papers on variational (in-)equalities, optimization and probability and statistics are welcomed. All contributions should be well motivated by real-life applications from scientific areas such as engineering, physics, econometrics, and biology.
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis (ACHA) is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes high-quality papers in all areas of mathematical sciences related to the applied and computational aspects of harmonic analysis, with special emphasis on innovative theoretical development, methods, and algorithms, for information processing, manipulation, understanding, and so forth. The objectives of the journal are to chronicle the important publications in the rapidly growing field of data representation and analysis, to stimulate research in relevant interdisciplinary areas, and to provide a common link among mathematical, physical, and life scientists, as well as engineers.
Applied Mathematical Modelling focuses on research related to the mathematical modelling of engineering and environmental processes, manufacturing, and industrial systems. A significant emerging area of research activity involves multiphysics processes, and contributions in this area are particularly encouraged.
This influential publication covers a wide spectrum of subjects including heat transfer, fluid mechanics, CFD, and transport phenomena; solid mechanics and mechanics of metals; electromagnets and MHD; reliability modelling and system optimization; finite volume, finite element, and boundary element procedures; modelling of inventory, industrial, manufacturing and logistics systems for viable decision making; civil engineering systems and structures; mineral and energy resources; relevant software engineering issues associated with CAD and CAE; and materials and metallurgical engineering.
The Applied Mathematics and Optimization Journal covers a broad range of mathematical methods in particular those that bridge with optimization and have some connection with applications. Papers considered for publication must contain significant contributions and applications from a mathematical perspective. Core topics include calculus of variations, partial differential equations, stochastic control, optimization of deterministic or stochastic systems in discrete or continuous time, homogenization, control theory, mean field games, dynamic games and optimal transport. Algorithmic, data analytic, machine learning and numerical methods which support the modeling and mathematical analysis of optimization problems are encouraged. Of great interest are papers which show some novel idea in either the theory or model and include some connection with potential applications in science and engineering.
Presents papers that embrace a wide diversity of applied areas, such as physical, chemical, biological, environmental topics
Papers that emphasize modeling, applications or algorithms are welcome but must illustrate novel and significant development of underlying mathematics
Applied Mathematics and Computation addresses work at the interface between applied mathematics, numerical computation, and applications of systems – oriented ideas to the physical, biological, social, and behavioral sciences, and emphasizes papers of a computational nature focusing on new algorithms, their analysis and numerical results.
In addition to presenting research papers, Applied Mathematics and Computation publishes review articles and single–topics issues.
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) is a journal on applied mathematics and mechanics published in the People's Republic of China. It is a comprehensive journal presenting original research papers on mechanics, mathematical methods and modeling in mechanics as well as applied mathematics relevant to neoteric mechanics.
The Editorial Committee, headed by Professor Xingming GUO, consists of scientists in the fields of applied mathematics and mechanics all over the world.
Founded by Professor Weizang CHIEN in May 1980 as a quarterly, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics became a bimonthly in 1981 and then a monthly in 1985.
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)is Founded by Professor Weizang CHIEN in May 1980.
Present original research papers on mechanics, mathematical methods in mechanics as well as applied mathematics relevant to neoteric mechanics.
Editorial Committee consists of scientists in applied mathematics and mechanics all over the world.
The purpose of Applied Mathematics Letters is to provide a means of rapid publication for important but brief applied mathematical papers. The brief descriptions of any work involving a novel application or utilization of mathematics, or a development in the methodology of applied mathematics is a potential contribution for this journal. This journal's focus is on applied mathematics topics based on differential equations and linear algebra. Priority will be given to submissions that are likely to appeal to a wide audience.
Applied Mathematics promotes the integration of mathematics with other scientific disciplines, expanding its fields of study and promoting the development of relevant interdisciplinary subjects.
The journal mainly publishes original research papers that apply mathematical concepts, theories and methods to other subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, information science, energy, environmental science, economics, and finance. In addition, it also reports the latest developments and trends in which mathematics interacts with other disciplines. Readers include professors and students, professionals in applied mathematics, and engineers at research institutes and in industry.
Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities has been an English-language quarterly since 1993. The English edition, abbreviated as Series B, has different contents than this Chinese edition, Series A.
Promotes the integration of mathematics with other scientific disciplines.
Publishes original research papers that apply mathematical concepts, theories and methods to other subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, and finance.
Reports the latest developments and trends in which mathematics interacts with other disciplines.
The purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for the publication of high quality research and tutorial papers in computational mathematics. In addition to the traditional issues and problems in numerical analysis, the journal also publishes papers describing relevant applications in such fields as physics, fluid dynamics, engineering and other branches of applied science with a computational mathematics component. The journal strives to be flexible in the type of papers it publishes and their format. Equally desirable are:
Full papers, which should be complete and relatively self-contained original contributions with an introduction that can be understood by the broad computational mathematics community. Both rigorous and heuristic styles are acceptable. Of particular interest are papers about new areas of research, in which other than strictly mathematical arguments may be important in establishing a basis for further developments.
Tutorial review papers, covering some of the important issues in Numerical Mathematics, Scientific Computing and their Applications. The journal will occasionally publish contributions which are larger than the usual format for regular papers.
Short notes, which present specific new results and techniques in a brief communication.
The journal strives to provide authors with a refereed outlet for their work which is subject to the least possible publication delay.
Archiv der Mathematik (AdM) publishes short high quality research papers in every area of mathematics which are addressed to a broad readership and not overly technical in nature.
The journal publishes research papers and occasionally surveys or expositions on mathematical logic. Contributions are also welcomed from other related areas, such as theoretical computer science or philosophy, as long as the methods of mathematical logic play a significant role. The journal therefore addresses logicians and mathematicians, computer scientists, and philosophers who are interested in the applications of mathematical logic in their own field, as well as its interactions with other areas of research.
Publishes research papers on Mathematical Logic
Contributions from related areas are welcome
Addresses logicians and mathematicians, computer scientists, and philosophers intersted in the applications of mathematical logic
92% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
Arkiv för Matematik is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. All articles published in the journal during its time with Springer will remain fully searchable through our websites.