Select by the initial letter of the title of the print & e-Journals
- Vol. 22, 1924 - Present
- Cambridge University Press
- Mathematical Proceedings is one of the few high-quality journals publishing original research papers that cover the whole range of pure and applied mathematics, theoretical physics and statistics. All branches of pure mathematics are covered, in particular logic and foundations, number theory, algebra, geometry, algebraic and geometric topology, classical and functional analysis, differential equations, probability and statistics. On the applied side, mechanics, mathematical physics, relativity and cosmology are included.
- Vol. 01, 2018 - Vol. 2, 2019
- European Mathematical Society
- Vol. 58, 2002 - Present
- Elsevier
- The aim of the journal is to provide an international forum for the dissemination of up-to-date information in the fields of the mathematics and computers, in particular (but not exclusively) as they apply to the dynamics of systems, their simulation and scientific computation in general. Published material ranges from short, concise research papers to more general tutorial articles.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, published monthly, is the official organ of IMACS, the International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Formerly AICA). This Association, founded in 1955 and legally incorporated in 1956 is a member of FIACC (the Five International Associations Coordinating Committee), together with IFIP, IFAV, IFORS and IMEKO.
Topics covered by the journal include mathematical tools in:
•The foundations of systems modelling
•Numerical analysis and the development of algorithms for simulation
They also include considerations about computer hardware for simulation and about special software and compilers.
The journal also publishes articles concerned with specific applications of modelling and simulation in science and engineering, with relevant applied mathematics, the general philosophy of systems simulation, and their impact on disciplinary and interdisciplinary research.
The journal includes a Book Review section -- and a "News on IMACS" section that contains a Calendar of future Conferences/Events and other information about the Association.
- Vol. 01, 1869 - Present
- Springer Link
- Begründet 1868 durch Alfred Clebsch und Carl Neumann. Fortgeführt durch Felix Klein, David Hilbert, Otto Blumenthal, Erich Hecke, Heinrich Behnke, Hans Grauert, Heinz Bauer, Herbert Amann, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Wolfgang Lück und Nigel Hitchin.
The journal Mathematische Annalen was founded in 1868 by Alfred Clebsch and Carl Neumann. It was continued by Felix Klein, David Hilbert, Otto Blumenthal, Erich Hecke, Heinrich Behnke, Hans Grauert, Heinz Bauer, Herbert Amann, Jean-Pierre Bourguigon, Wolfgang Lück and Nigel Hitchin.
Since 1868 the name Mathematische Annalen stands for a long tradition and high quality in the publication of mathematical research articles. Mathematische Annalen is designed not as a specialized journal but covers a wide spectrum of modern mathematics.
100% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 01, 1918 - Present
- Springer Link
- Die "Mathematische Zeitschrift" wurde im Jahre 1918 von L. Lichtenstein unter der Mitwirkung von K. Knopp, E. Schmidt und I. Schur gegründet und herausgegeben. Nach dem Tode Lichtensteins übernahm K. Knopp 1933 die Herausgabe. Die Schriftleitung ergänzte sich 1933 durch E. Kamke und F.K. Schmidt, 1936 durch R. Nevanlinna und 1950 durch H. Wielandt, der 1952 die Herausgabe übernahm. 1973 ging die Federführung an H. Salzmann, 1977 an H. Heyer, 1984 an W.P. Barth und W.v. Wahl, 1990 an E. Becker, 2001 an D. Müller und 2007 an O. Debarre. Seit 2020 ist J. Kamnitzer geschäftsführender Herausgeber.
Die "Mathematische Zeitschrift" dient der Pflege der reinen und angewandten Mathematik. Besprechungen, Aufgaben u. dgl. werden nicht zugelassen.
"Mathematische Zeitschrift" was founded in 1918 and edited by L. Lichtenstein in cooperation with K. Knopp, E. Schmidt and I. Schur; after Lichtenstein's death, 1933, it was edited by K. Knopp. The Editorial Committee was increased to include E. Kamke and F.K. Schmidt in 1933, R. Nevanlinna in 1936 and H. Wielandt in 1950. The latter became Managing Editor in 1952. He was succeeded in 1973 by H. Salzmann, 1977 by H. Heyer, 1984 by W. P. Barth and W.v. Wahl, 1990 by E. Becker, 2001 by D. Müller and 2007 by O. Debarre. Since 2020 J. Kamnitzer has been the Managing Editor.
"Mathematische Zeitschrift" is devoted to pure and applied mathematics. Reviews, problems etc. will not be published.
90% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 01, 1952 - Vol. 64, Issue 3, 2015
- University of Michigan
- The Michigan Mathematical Journal is published by the Department of Mathematics at The University of Michigan and endeavors to publish significant research articles in all areas of mathematics. Advance publication of articles online is available.
- Vol. 01, 2011 - Present
- Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP)
- Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory publishes original, high-quality research articles from a broad range of interests within combinatorics, number theory and allied areas.
MJCNT was first published in 2011 by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. MSP started publishing it in 2018.