Select by the initial letter of the title of the print & e-Journals
- Vol. 01, 2003 - Vol. 10, 2012
- Springer Link
- Central European Journal of Mathematics is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. All articles published in the journal during its time with Springer will remain fully searchable through our websites.
- Vol. 27, 2006 - Present
- Springer Link
- Vol. 59, 2008 - Present
- Springer
- Collectanea Mathematica publishes original research peer reviewed papers of high quality in all fields of pure and applied mathematics. It is an international journal of the University of Barcelona and the oldest mathematical journal in Spain. It was founded in 1948 by José M. Orts. Previously self-published by the Institut de Matemàtica (IMUB) of the Universitat de Barcelona, as of 2011 it is published by Springer.
- High quality of papers in all areas of mathematics
- Oldest mathematical journal in Spain
- Vol. 01, 1929 - Vol. 79, 2004
- European Mathematical Society
- Vol. 33, 2005 - Vol. 47, 2019
- Taylor & Francis
- Communications in Algebra presents high quality papers of original research in the field of algebra. Articles from related research areas that have a significant bearing on algebra might also be published.
Topics Covered Include:
Commutative Algebra
- Ring Theory
- Module Theory
- Non-associative Algebra including Lie algebras, Jordan algebras
- Group Theory
- Algebraic geometry
- Vol. 01, 1993 - Vol. 27, 2019
- International Press
- Publishes high-quality papers on subjects related to classical analysis, partial differential equations, algebraic geometry, differential geometry, and topology.
- Vol. 15, 2020
- Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP)
- Vol. 01, 1965 - Present
- Springer Link
- The mission of Communications in Mathematical Physics is to offer a high forum for works which are motivated by the vision and the challenges of modern physics and which at the same time meet the highest mathematical standards.
- Leading journal in mathematical physics with a long standing tradition since 1965
- 94% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 33, 2004
- Taylor & Francis
- The Simulation and Computation series intends to publish papers that make theoretical and methodological advances relating to computational aspects of Probability and Statistics. Simulational assessment and comparison of the performance of statistical and probabilistic methods will also be considered for publication. Papers stressing graphical methods, resampling and other computationally intensive methods will be particularly relevant. In addition, special issues dedicated to a specific topic of current interest will also be published in this series periodically, providing an exhaustive and up-to-date review of that topic to the readership.
- Vol. 33, 2004
- Taylor & Francis
- The Theory and Methods series intends to publish papers that make theoretical and methodological advances in Probability and Statistics. New applications of statistical and probabilistic methods will also be considered for publication. In addition, special issues dedicated to a specific topic of current interest will also be published in this series periodically, providing an exhaustive and up-to-date review of that topic to the readership.
- Vol. 105, 1997 - Vol. 139, 2019
- Cambridge University Press
- Compositio Mathematica is a prestigious, well-established journal publishing first-class research papers that traditionally focus on the mainstream of pure mathematics. Compositio Mathematica has a broad scope which includes the fields of algebra, number theory, topology, algebraic and differential geometry and global analysis. Papers on other topics are welcome if they are of broad interest. All contributions are required to meet high standards of quality and originality. The Journal has an international editorial board reflected in the journal content.
Online access is free for all papers published 5 years ago or more. Papers published before 1997 are available from the NUMDAM website.
Compositio is owned and published by non-profit organisations (the Foundation Compositio Mathematica and the London Mathematical Society) that use any surplus income from journal subscriptions to sponsor mathematics and mathematical research.
- Vol. 334, 2002 - Vol. 357, 2019
- Elsevier
- Formerly known as Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics;
Transferred back to the society as of 2020
- Vol. 32, 2013 - Present
- Springer
- Computational & Applied Mathematics began to be published in 1981. This journal was conceived as the main scientific publication of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics (SBMAC).
The objective of the journal is the publication of original research in Applied and Computational Mathematics, with interfaces in Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Operations Research, Statistics, Social Sciences and Economy. The journal has the usual quality standards of scientific international journals and we aim high level of contributions in terms of originality, depth and relevance. CAM is currently reviewed in Mathematical Reviews and Institute of Scientific Information (Webofscience).
- Vol. 01, 1991 - Present
- Elseiver
- Computational Geometry is a forum for research in theoretical and applied aspects of computational geometry. The journal publishes fundamental research in all areas of the subject, as well as disseminating information on the applications, techniques, and use of computational geometry. Computational Geometry publishes articles on the design and analysis of geometric algorithms. All aspects of computational geometry are covered, including the numerical, graph theoretical and combinatorial aspects. Also welcomed are computational geometry solutions to fundamental problems arising in computer graphics, pattern recognition, robotics, image processing, CAD-CAM, VLSI design and geographical information systems.
Computational Geometry features a special section containing open problems and concise reports on implementations of computational geometry tools.
- Vol. 46, 2006 - Present
- Elsevier
- Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics is a monthly journal published in collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal includes reviews and original papers on computational mathematics, computational methods of mathematical physics, informatics, and other mathematical sciences. The journal welcomes reviews and original articles from all countries in the English or Russian language.
- Vol. 01, 1990 - Present
- Springer
- Computational Mathematics and Modeling presents research in numerical analysis, control theory, and the interplay of modeling and computational mathematics. It features work by scientists from Moscow State University, an institution recognized worldwide for influential contributions to this subject.
Computational Mathematics and Modeling focuses on important Russian contributions to computational mathematics that are useful to the applied scientist or engineer and presents topical papers from abroad.
- Presents research in numerical analysis, control theory, and the interplay of modeling and computational mathematics
- Features work by scientists from Moscow State University, an institution recognized worldwide for influential contributions to this subject
- Details important Russian contributions to computational mathematics and presents topical papers from abroad that are useful to the applied scientist or engineer
- Vol. 01, 2001 - Present
- Springer Link
- CMFT is an international mathematics journal which publishes carefully selected original research papers in complex analysis (in a broad sense), and on applications or computational methods related to complex analysis. Survey articles of high standard and current interest can be considered for publication as well. Contributed papers should be written in English (exceptions in rare cases are tolerated), and in a lucid, expository style. Papers should not exceed 30 printed pages.
- Vol. 01, 1992 - Present
- Springer
- This journal publishes research on the analysis and development of computational algorithms and modeling technology for optimization. It examines algorithms either for general classes of optimization problems or for more specific applied problems, stochastic algorithms as well as deterministic algorithms.
Computational Optimization and Applications covers a wide range of topics in optimization, including: large scale optimization, unconstrained optimization, constrained optimization, nondifferentiable optimization, combinatorial optimization, stochastic optimization, multiobjective optimization, and network optimization. It also covers linear programming, complexity theory, automatic differentiation, approximations and error analysis, parametric programming and sensitivity analysis, management science, and more.
This peer-reviewed journal features both research and tutorial papers that provide theoretical analysis, along with carefully designed computational experiments.
Officially cited as: Comput Optim Appl
- Publishes research on the analysis and development of computational algorithms and modeling technology for optimization.
- Examines algorithms either for general classes of optimization problems or for more specific applied problems, stochastic algorithms as well as deterministic algorithms.
- Covers a wide range of topics in optimization.
- Vol. 01, 1972 - Present
- Elsevier
- The development of computer methods for the solution of scientific and engineering problems governed by the laws of mechanics was one of the great scientific and engineering achievements of the second half of the 20th century, with a profound impact on science and technology. This is accomplished through advanced mathematical modeling and numerical solutions reflecting a combination of concepts, methods and principles that are often interdisciplinary in nature and span several areas of mechanics, mathematics, computer science and other scientific disciplines as well.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering was founded over three decades ago, providing a platform for the publication of papers in this important field of science and engineering. The range of appropriate contributions is very wide. It covers any type of computational method for the simulation of complex physical problems leading to the analysis and design of engineering products and systems. This includes theoretical development and rational applications of mathematical models, variational formulations, and numerical algorithms related to finite element, boundary element, finite difference, finite volume, and meshless discretization methods in the following fields of computational science and engineering:
• Solid and structural mechanics
• Fluid mechanics
• Mechanics of materials
• Heat transfer
• Dynamics
• Geomechanics
• Acoustics
• Biomechanics
• Nanomechanics
• Molecular dynamics
• Quantum mechanics
• Electromagnetics,
and also includes virtual design, multiscale phenomena, from nanoscale to macroscale, multiphysics problems, parallel computing, optimization, probabilistic and stochastic approaches.
CMAME publishes original papers at the forefront of modern research describing significant developments of computational methods in solving problems of applied mechanics and engineering.
- Vol. 01, 1975 - Present
- Elsevier
- Computers & Mathematics with Applications provides a medium of exchange for those engaged in fields contributing to building successful simulations for science and engineering using Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The following are the principal areas of interest of the journal:
Modeling using PDEs.
- Analysis of mathematical models, formulated in terms of PDEs.
- Discretization Methods and Numerical Analysis for PDEs.
- Numerical linear and nonlinear algebra. Fast numerical algorithms.
- Algorithms and Data Structures. Adaptivity. Computational Geometry.
- Software Design, Code verification and Quality Assurance (QA).
- Verification and Validation.