Refresher on Commutative Algebra: localization, local rings, integral closure, Krull dimension.
Zariski topology, Hochster’s characterization of Zariski topology, spectral spaces.
Zariski spectrum as a frame
Refresher on categories : Categories, functors, Yoneda Lemma, equivalence of categories, adjoints.
Grothendieck sites : Zariski, '{e}tale and Nisnevich sites.
Presheaves and Sheaves
Locally ringed spaces and schemes
Separated schemes, proper schemes, irreducible schemes, reduced schemes, integral schemes, noetherian schemes.
Morphisms : separated, proper, finite morphisms, finite type morphisms, affine morphisms
Sheaves of algebras : affine morphisms as sheaves of algebras
Sheaves of modules over a scheme, Quasi-coherent and coherent sheaves
Divisors and Line Bundles, Weil divisors, Cartier divisors, Line bundles on Projective spaces, Serre sheaves.
Projective morphisms, ample and very ample line bundles
Formal schemes