It was shown by Basu, Sidoravicius and Sly that a TASEP starting with the step initial condition, i.e., with one particle each at every nonpositive site of $\mathbb{Z}$ and no particle at positive sites, with a slow bond at the origin where a particle jumping from the origin jumps at a smaller rate $r < 1$, has an asympototic current which is strictly less than 1/4. Here we study the limiting measure of the TASEP with a slow bond. The distribution of regular TASEP started with the step initial condition converges to the invariant product Bernoulli measure with density 1/2. The slowdown due to the slow bond implies that there is a long range effect near the origin where the region to the right of origin is sparser and there is a traffic jam to the left of the slow bond with particle density higher than a half. However, the distribution becomes close to a product Bernoulli measure as one moves far away from the origin, albeit with a different density ? < 1/2 to the right of the origin and ?’ > 1/2 to the left of the origin. This answers a question due to Liggett. The proof uses the correspondence between TASEP and directed last passage percolation on $\mathbb{Z}^2$ with exponential passage times, and the geometric properties of the maximal paths there.