Our Publications
The publications are listed by the publishing years. To access publications, please click on the year.
2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982-83 | 1982 |
- Anuradha, N., Number of points on certain hyperelliptic curves defined over finite fields, Finite Fields Appl. , 14 (2008), 314-328. (Article) (Review)
- Bagchi, Bhaskar and Datta, Basudeb, Lower bound theorem for normal pseudomanifolds, Expo. Math. , 26 (2008), 327-351. (Article) (Review)
- Bagchi, Bhaskar and Datta, Basudeb, Uniqueness of Walkup's 9-vertex 3-dimensional Klein bottle, Discrete Math. , 308 (2008), 5087-5095. (Article) (Review)
- Bagchi, Bhaskar and Datta, Basudeb, Minimal triangulations of sphere bundles over the circle, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A , 115 (2008), 737-752. (Article) (Review)
- Bahuguna, D. and Muslim, M., Approximation of solutions to a class of second order history-valued delay differential equations, Nonlinear Dyn. Syst. Theory , 8 (2008), 237-254. (Review)
- Bandyopadhyay, Pradipta and Li, Yongjin and Lin, Bor-Luh and Narayana, Darapaneni, Proximinality in Banach spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 341 (2008), 309-317. (Article) (Review)
- Basu, Arnab and Bhattacharyya, Tirthankar and Borkar, Vivek S., A learning algorithm for risk-sensitive cost, Math. Oper. Res. , 33 (2008), 880-898. (Article) (Review)
- Batty, Charles J. K. and Chill, Ralph and Srivastava, Sachi, Maximal regularity for second order non-autonomous Cauchy problems, Studia Math. , 189 (2008), 205-223. (Article) (Review)
- Bharali, Gautam and Holtz, Olga, Functions preserving nonnegativity of matrices, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. , 30 (2008), 84-101. (Article) (Review)
- Biswas, Indranil and Biswas, Jishnu and Ravindra, G. V., On some moduli spaces of stable vector bundles on cubic and quartic threefolds, J. Pure Appl. Algebra , 212 (2008), 2298-2306. (Article) (Review)
- Chakrabarti, Aloknath, Solution of the generalized Abel integral equation, J. Integral Equations Appl. , 20 (2008), 1-11. (Article) (Review)
- Chakrabarti, Aloknath and Martha, Subash Chandra, Scattering of water waves by freely floating semi-infinite elastic plates on water of finite depth, Frontiers of applied and computational mathematics , (2008), 83-94. (Article) (Review)
- Chill, Ralph and Srivastava, Sachi, $L^p$ maximal regularity for second order Cauchy problems is independent of $p$, Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. (9) , 1 (2008), 147-157. (Review)
- Das, Dilip and Mandal, B. N. and Chakrabarti, A., Energy identities in water wave theory for free-surface boundary condition with higher-order derivatives, Fluid Dynam. Res. , 40 (2008), 253-272. (Article) (Review)
- Datta, Basudeb and Nilakantan, Nandini, Three-dimensional pseudomanifolds on eight vertices, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. , (2008), Art. ID 254637, 21. (Article) (Review)
- Deshpande, Amogh and Ghosh, Mrinal K., Risk minimizing option pricing in a regime switching market, Stoch. Anal. Appl. , 26 (2008), 313-324. (Article) (Review)
- Dhamala, M. and Rangarajan, G. and Ding, M., Estimating Granger causality from Fourier and wavelet transforms of time series data, Physical Review Letters , 100 (2008), 018701.
- Dhamala, M. and Rangarajan, G. and Ding, M., Analyzing information flow in brain networks with nonparametric Granger causality, NeuroImage , 41 (2008), 354.
- Gadgil, Siddhartha, Orders on manifolds and surgery, Math. Student , 77 (2008), 145-159 (2009). (Review)
- Gadgil, Siddhartha, Incompressibility and least-area surfaces, Expo. Math. , 26 (2008), 93-98. (Article) (Review)
- Gadgil, Siddhartha and Pancholi, Dishant, Non-orientable Seifert surfaces and a Thom-Pontrjagin type construction, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. , 23 (2008), 143-149. (Review)
- Ghosh, Ashish and Das, Mrinal Kanti, Non-dominated rank based sorting genetic algorithms, Fund. Inform. , 83 (2008), 231-252. (Review)
- Ghosh, Mrinal K. and Goswami, Anindya, Partially observed semi-Markov zero-sum games with average payoff, J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 345 (2008), 26-39. (Article) (Review)
- Ghosh, Pratim and Gelasca, E. Drelie and Ramakrishnan, K. R. and Manjunath, B. S., Duplicate image detection in large scale databases, Advances in intelligent information processing , 2 (2008), 149-166. (Article) (Review)
- Gupta, Bhupendra and Iyer, Srikanth K. and Manjunath, D., Topological properties of the one dimensional exponential random geometric graph, Random Structures Algorithms , 32 (2008), 181-204. (Article) (Review)
- Iyer, S. K. and Sikdar, K., $GI/M/1$ queues with server vacations and dependent interarrival and service times, Qual. Technol. Quant. Manag. , 5 (2008), 63-75. (Article) (Review)
- Iyer, Srikanth K. and Jammalamadaka, S. Rao and Kundu, Debasis, Analysis of middle-censored data with exponential lifetime distributions, J. Statist. Plann. Inference , 138 (2008), 3550-3560. (Article) (Review)
- Iyer, Srikanth K. and Manjunath, D. and Yogeshwaran, D., Limit laws for $k$-coverage of paths by a Markov-Poisson-Boolean model, Stoch. Models , 24 (2008), 558-582. (Article) (Review)
- Korányi, Adam and Misra, Gadadhar, Homogeneous operators on Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions, J. Funct. Anal. , 254 (2008), 2419-2436. (Article) (Review)
- Krötz, Bernhard and Thangavelu, Sundaram and Xu, Yuan, Heat kernel transform for nilmanifolds associated to the Heisenberg group, Rev. Mat. Iberoam. , 24 (2008), 243-266. (Article) (Review)
- Muslim, M. and Agarwal, Ravi P. and Nandakumaran, A. K., Existence of local and global solutions to fractional order integral equations, PanAmer. Math. J. , 18 (2008), 47-57. (Review)
- Muslim, M. and Bahuguna, D., Existence of solutions to neutral differential equations with deviated argument, Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ. , (2008), No. 27, 12. (Review)
- Muthukumar, T. and Nandakumaran, A. K., Darcy-type law associated to an optimal control problem, Electron. J. Differential Equations , (2008), No. 16, 12. (Review)
- Navilarekallu, Tejaswi, Equivariant Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for the base change of elliptic curves: an example, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN , (2008), Art. ID rnm164, 33. (Article) (Review)
- Patil, D. P. and Tamone, G., On the Cohen-Macaulayness of some graded rings, J. Algebra Appl. , 7 (2008), 109-128. (Article) (Review)
- Paul, Prabal and Pradeep, C. R. and Rajan, B. Sundar, On the PAPR of cosets of linear codes, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. , 39 (2008), 69-86. (Review)
- Rajeev, B. and Thangavelu, S., Probabilistic representations of solutions of the forward equations, Potential Anal. , 28 (2008), 139-162. (Article) (Review)
- Sachdev, P. L. and Kudenatti, Ramesh B. and Bujurke, N. M., Exact analytic solution of a boundary value problem for the Falkner-Skan equation, Stud. Appl. Math. , 120 (2008), 1-16. (Article) (Review)
- Seshadri, Harish and Verma, Kaushal, Domains in complex surfaces with non-compact automorphism groups, J. Math. Anal. Appl. , 337 (2008), 1273-1283. (Article) (Review)
- Seshadri, Harish and Zheng, Fangyang, Complex product manifolds cannot be negatively curved, Asian J. Math. , 12 (2008), 145-149. (Article) (Review)
- Sikdar, K., Analysis of the $MAP/G^{(a,b)}/1/N$ queue with multiple vacations, Appl. Math. Model. , 32 (2008), 1308-1317. (Article) (Review)
- Sikdar, K. and Gupta, U. C. and Sharma, R. K., The analysis of a finite-buffer general input queue with batch arrival and exponential multiple vacations, Int. J. Oper. Res. , 3 (2008), 219-234. (Article) (Review)
- Srinivas Kumar, V. V. K. and Rathish Kumar, B. V. and Das, P. C., WEB-spline based mesh-free finite element analysis for the approximation of the stationary Navier-Stokes problem, Nonlinear Anal. , 68 (2008), 3266-3282. (Article) (Review)
- Thangavelu, S., An analogue of Gutzmer's formula for Hermite expansions, Studia Math. , 185 (2008), 279-290. (Article) (Review)