Publisher-wise list of print & e-journals
- Vol. 01, 1882 - Vol. 217, 2016
- Springer Link
- Acta Mathematica is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. All articles published in the journal during its time with Springer will remain fully searchable through our websites.
- Vol. 01, 1950 - Present
- Springer
- Acta Mathematica Hungarica features papers covering most areas of mathematics and, in particular, from those whose work is related to the advances being made by Hungarian mathematicians. It publishes mainly pure mathematics, but occasionally papers of a more applied nature appear in the journal providing they have a non-trivial mathematical content.
Acta Mathematica Hungarica (formerly Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae) was founded in 1950 by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It is now established as an international journal of repute.
- Vol. 38, 2013 - Present
- Springer Link
- Acta Mathematica Vietnamica is a peer-reviewed mathematical journal. The journal publishes original papers of high quality in all branches of Mathematics with strong focus on Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Topology, Complex Analysis, Dynamical Systems, Optimization and Partial Differential Equations.
Originally, the journal has been published under the name "Acta Scientiarum Vietnamicarum, Sectio Scientiarum Mathematicarum et Physicarum" by the Department of Mathematics and Physics, State Committee of Science (then State Committee of Science and Technology). The first issue was published in 1964 and continued until Volume 10 in 1974. In 1976 its name was changed to "Acta Mathematica Vietnamica" and since then it has been published by Institute of Mathematics, National Centre for Scientific Research (then Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology), beginning from Volume 1. Former Editors in Chief are Le Van Thiem (1976-1983), Hoang Tuy (1984-1990) and Ngo Viet Trung (1991-2007).
- Vol. 01, 1984 - Present
- Springer
- Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series) is a quarterly journal established by the Chinese Mathematical Society. The journal publishes high quality research papers from all branches of applied mathematics, including partial differential equations, computational mathematics, applied probability, mathematical finance, statistics, dynamical systems, and optimization and management science.
- An international journal sponsored by the Chinese Mathematical Society
- Publishes high quality research papers reflecting latest development and trend from all branches of applied mathematics
- Accelerates fundamental mathematical new findings applied to various disciplines
- Vol. 01, 1993 - Present
- Springer
- Advances in Computational Mathematics publishes high quality, accessible and original articles at the forefront of computational and applied mathematics, with a clear potential for impact across the sciences. The journal emphasizes three core areas: 1) approximation theory and computational geometry, 2) numerical analysis, modelling and simulation, and 3) imaging, signal processing and data analysis.
This journal welcomes papers that are accessible to a broad audience in the mathematical sciences and that show either an advance in computational methodology or a novel scientific application area, or both. Methods papers should rely on rigorous analysis and/or convincing numerical studies.
- Vol. 01, 1968 - Present
- Springer Link
- aequationes mathematicae is an international journal of pure and applied mathematics, which emphasizes functional equations, dynamical systems, iteration theory, combinatorics, and geometry. The journal publishes research papers, reports of meetings, and bibliographies. High quality survey articles are an especially welcome feature. In addition, summaries of recent developments and research in the field are published rapidly.
- Vol. 22, 2011 - Present
- Springer
- Afrika Matematika is the Journal of the African Mathematical Union.
Its publication started in 1978. It provides a platform both for presenting high-level mathematical research done in Africa, and for bringing international mathematical research to Africa. Afrika Matematika is currently undergoing a substantial relaunch, under Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Jacek Banasiak of the University of Pretoria. Its Editorial Board has been restructured and widened to include distinguished mathematicians from various African countries, and from the other continents.
- Vol. 01, 1975 - Present
- Springer
- Analysis Mathematica publishes high quality research papers and invited survey articles in English.
All submitted papers are subject to individual refereeing by renowned experts. While the journal applies the highest standards of impartial peer refereeing, editorial decisions also take into consideration the depth and interest of the presented work. With all considerations, currently only about 15% of submitted papers are accepted.
Analysis Mathematica considers papers from all fields of classical analysis and from several fields of modern analysis, such as functional, convex and harmonic analysis, operator theory and potential theory, differentiation and integration theory, function theory in one and several variables and on infinite dimensional spaces, topological groups and semigroups, topological and metric spaces.
Each year one volume is published both in print and also electronically in four issues.
- Vol. 37, 2013 - Present
- Springer
- The goal of the Annales mathématiques du Québec (formerly: Annales des sciences mathématiques du Québec) is to be a high level journal publishing articles in all areas of pure mathematics, and sometimes in related fields such as applied mathematics, mathematical physics and computer science. From time to time, the journal will also publish thematic issues dealing with a specific topic.
Papers written in French or English may be submitted to one of the editors, and each published paper will appear with a short abstract in both languages.
- Vol. 01, 1924 - Present
- Springer Link
- This journal publishes articles on subjects of pure and applied mathematics, authored by scientists of all nationalities. Articles must be original and written in one of the following languages: English, French, German and Italian. Articles should be sent to Fondazione Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Details about article submission appear in the "Instructions for Authors".
- Vol. 01, 1990 - Present
- Springer Link
- Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence presents a range of topics of concern to scholars applying quantitative, combinatorial, logical, algebraic and algorithmic methods to diverse areas of Artificial Intelligence, from decision support, automated deduction, and reasoning, to knowledge-based systems, machine learning, computer vision, robotics and planning.
The journal features collections of papers appearing either in volumes (400 pages) or in separate issues (100-300 pages), which focus on one topic and have one or more guest editors.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence hopes to influence the spawning of new areas of applied mathematics and strengthen the scientific underpinnings of Artificial Intelligence.
- Will appeal to readers who apply quantitative, combinatorial, logical, algebraic and algorithmic methods to diverse areas of Artificial Intelligence.
- Hopes to influence the spawning of new areas of applied mathematics and strengthen the scientific underpinnings of Artificial Intelligence.
- Vol. 49, Issue 03, 1957 - Present
- Springer Link
- Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (AISM) aims to provide a forum for open communication among statisticians, and to contribute to the advancement of statistics as a science to enable humans to handle information in order to cope with uncertainties. It publishes high-quality papers that shed new light on the theoretical, computational and/or methodological aspects of statistical science. Emphasis is placed on (a) development of new methodologies motivated by real data, (b) development of unifying theories, and (c) analysis and improvement of existing methodologies and theories.
- Vol. 42, 1997 - Present
- Springer
- The journal is published by the Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences and distributed by Springer.
Applications of Mathematics publishes original research papers of high scientific level that are directed towards the use of mathematics in different branches of science. The emphasis of the papers is on a solid mathematical analysis of problems from applications, in the form of proofs of mathematical theorems that are typically of more general use than only for the application under consideration. The journal publishes theorems on solutions to (partial) differential, integral, algebraic and stochastic equations, such as their well-posedness, their relevant properties, and their (numerical) approximation. Also papers on variational (in-)equalities, optimization and probability and statistics are welcomed. All contributions should be well motivated by real-life applications from scientific areas such as engineering, physics, econometrics, and biology.
- Vol. 01, 1974 - Present
- Springer Link
- The Applied Mathematics and Optimization Journal covers a broad range of mathematical methods in particular those that bridge with optimization and have some connection with applications. Papers considered for publication must contain significant contributions and applications from a mathematical perspective. Core topics include calculus of variations, partial differential equations, stochastic control, optimization of deterministic or stochastic systems in discrete or continuous time, homogenization, control theory, mean field games, dynamic games and optimal transport. Algorithmic, data analytic, machine learning and numerical methods which support the modeling and mathematical analysis of optimization problems are encouraged. Of great interest are papers which show some novel idea in either the theory or model and include some connection with potential applications in science and engineering.
- Presents papers that embrace a wide diversity of applied areas, such as physical, chemical, biological, environmental topics
- Papers that emphasize modeling, applications or algorithms are welcome but must illustrate novel and significant development of underlying mathematics
- Vol. 01, 1997 - Present
- Springer
- Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) is a journal on applied mathematics and mechanics published in the People's Republic of China. It is a comprehensive journal presenting original research papers on mechanics, mathematical methods and modeling in mechanics as well as applied mathematics relevant to neoteric mechanics.
The Editorial Committee, headed by Professor Xingming GUO, consists of scientists in the fields of applied mathematics and mechanics all over the world.
Founded by Professor Weizang CHIEN in May 1980 as a quarterly, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics became a bimonthly in 1981 and then a monthly in 1985.
- Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)is Founded by Professor Weizang CHIEN in May 1980.
- Present original research papers on mechanics, mathematical methods in mechanics as well as applied mathematics relevant to neoteric mechanics.
Editorial Committee consists of scientists in applied mathematics and mechanics all over the world.
- Vol. 12, 1997 - Present
- Springer
- Applied Mathematics promotes the integration of mathematics with other scientific disciplines, expanding its fields of study and promoting the development of relevant interdisciplinary subjects.
The journal mainly publishes original research papers that apply mathematical concepts, theories and methods to other subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, information science, energy, environmental science, economics, and finance. In addition, it also reports the latest developments and trends in which mathematics interacts with other disciplines. Readers include professors and students, professionals in applied mathematics, and engineers at research institutes and in industry.
- Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities has been an English-language quarterly since 1993. The English edition, abbreviated as Series B, has different contents than this Chinese edition, Series A.
- Promotes the integration of mathematics with other scientific disciplines.
Publishes original research papers that apply mathematical concepts, theories and methods to other subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, and finance.
- Reports the latest developments and trends in which mathematics interacts with other disciplines.
- Vol. 01, 1948 - Present
- Springer
- Archiv der Mathematik (AdM) publishes short high quality research papers in every area of mathematics which are addressed to a broad readership and not overly technical in nature.
- Vol. 01, 1950 - Present
- Springer
- The journal publishes research papers and occasionally surveys or expositions on mathematical logic. Contributions are also welcomed from other related areas, such as theoretical computer science or philosophy, as long as the methods of mathematical logic play a significant role. The journal therefore addresses logicians and mathematicians, computer scientists, and philosophers who are interested in the applications of mathematical logic in their own field, as well as its interactions with other areas of research.
- Publishes research papers on Mathematical Logic
- Contributions from related areas are welcome
- Addresses logicians and mathematicians, computer scientists, and philosophers intersted in the applications of mathematical logic
- 92% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 35, 1997 - Vol. 10, 2010
- Springer
- Arkiv för Matematik is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. All articles published in the journal during its time with Springer will remain fully searchable through our websites.
- Vol. 01, 1961 - Present
- Springer
- BIT was started by Carl Erik Fröberg in 1961. The name is an acronym for "Tidskrift för Informationsbehandling" read backwards. From the outset, a wide area of computer science and technology was covered, but since 1992 the focus has been on Numerical Mathematics.
- Vol. 20, 2014 - Present
- Springer
- The Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana publishes original high-quality research articles in all areas of mathematics and its applications, as well as invited survey articles. All submitted articles are refereed by experts from national or international institutions.
The Boletín is an official publication of the Sociedad Matemática Mexicana.
- Vol. 59, 1997 - Present
- Springer Link
- The Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of the Society for Mathematical Biology, disseminates original research findings and other information relevant to the interface of biology and the mathematical sciences. Contributions should have relevance to both fields. In order to accommodate the broad scope of new developments, the journal accepts a variety of contributions, including:
- Original research articles focused on new biological insights gained with the help of tools from the mathematical sciences or new mathematical tools and methods with demonstrated applicability to biological investigations
- Research in mathematical biology education
- Reviews
- Commentaries
- Perspectives, and contributions that discuss issues important to the profession
All contributions are peer-reviewed.
- Offers reports on theoretical advances, with clear exposition of how they further biological understanding
- Disciplines covered include computational, theoretical and experimental biology
- Official journal of the Society for Mathematical Biology
- 95% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 01, 2011 - Vol. 8, 2018 (Springer) & Vol. 09, 2019 - Present (World Scientific)
- Springer & World Scientific
- Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. All articles published in the journal during its time with Springer will remain fully searchable through our websites.
Access Archive Vol. 01, 2011 - Vol. 8, 2018 (Springer)
- Vol. 01, 1970 - Present
- Springer
- The Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society was relaunched in 1989 in a new edition and international editorial board. This journal publishes high quality papers in mathematics.
This journal was partially supported by a CNPq/CAPES grant until 2016 (Volume 47).
- Vol. 01, 2003 - Vol. 10, 2012
- Springer Link
- Central European Journal of Mathematics is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. All articles published in the journal during its time with Springer will remain fully searchable through our websites.
- Vol. 27, 2006 - Present
- Springer Link
- Vol. 59, 2008 - Present
- Springer
- Collectanea Mathematica publishes original research peer reviewed papers of high quality in all fields of pure and applied mathematics. It is an international journal of the University of Barcelona and the oldest mathematical journal in Spain. It was founded in 1948 by José M. Orts. Previously self-published by the Institut de Matemàtica (IMUB) of the Universitat de Barcelona, as of 2011 it is published by Springer.
- High quality of papers in all areas of mathematics
- Oldest mathematical journal in Spain
- Vol. 01, 1965 - Present
- Springer Link
- The mission of Communications in Mathematical Physics is to offer a high forum for works which are motivated by the vision and the challenges of modern physics and which at the same time meet the highest mathematical standards.
- Leading journal in mathematical physics with a long standing tradition since 1965
- 94% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 32, 2013 - Present
- Springer
- Computational & Applied Mathematics began to be published in 1981. This journal was conceived as the main scientific publication of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics (SBMAC).
The objective of the journal is the publication of original research in Applied and Computational Mathematics, with interfaces in Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Operations Research, Statistics, Social Sciences and Economy. The journal has the usual quality standards of scientific international journals and we aim high level of contributions in terms of originality, depth and relevance. CAM is currently reviewed in Mathematical Reviews and Institute of Scientific Information (Webofscience).
- Vol. 01, 1990 - Present
- Springer
- Computational Mathematics and Modeling presents research in numerical analysis, control theory, and the interplay of modeling and computational mathematics. It features work by scientists from Moscow State University, an institution recognized worldwide for influential contributions to this subject.
Computational Mathematics and Modeling focuses on important Russian contributions to computational mathematics that are useful to the applied scientist or engineer and presents topical papers from abroad.
- Presents research in numerical analysis, control theory, and the interplay of modeling and computational mathematics
- Features work by scientists from Moscow State University, an institution recognized worldwide for influential contributions to this subject
- Details important Russian contributions to computational mathematics and presents topical papers from abroad that are useful to the applied scientist or engineer
- Vol. 01, 2001 - Present
- Springer Link
- CMFT is an international mathematics journal which publishes carefully selected original research papers in complex analysis (in a broad sense), and on applications or computational methods related to complex analysis. Survey articles of high standard and current interest can be considered for publication as well. Contributed papers should be written in English (exceptions in rare cases are tolerated), and in a lucid, expository style. Papers should not exceed 30 printed pages.
- Vol. 01, 1992 - Present
- Springer
- This journal publishes research on the analysis and development of computational algorithms and modeling technology for optimization. It examines algorithms either for general classes of optimization problems or for more specific applied problems, stochastic algorithms as well as deterministic algorithms.
Computational Optimization and Applications covers a wide range of topics in optimization, including: large scale optimization, unconstrained optimization, constrained optimization, nondifferentiable optimization, combinatorial optimization, stochastic optimization, multiobjective optimization, and network optimization. It also covers linear programming, complexity theory, automatic differentiation, approximations and error analysis, parametric programming and sensitivity analysis, management science, and more.
This peer-reviewed journal features both research and tutorial papers that provide theoretical analysis, along with carefully designed computational experiments.
Officially cited as: Comput Optim Appl
- Publishes research on the analysis and development of computational algorithms and modeling technology for optimization.
- Examines algorithms either for general classes of optimization problems or for more specific applied problems, stochastic algorithms as well as deterministic algorithms.
- Covers a wide range of topics in optimization.
- Vol. 36, 2000 - Present
- Springer
- Differential Equations is a journal devoted to differential equations and the associated integral equations. The journal publishes original articles by authors from all countries and accepts manuscripts in English and Russian. The topics of the journal cover ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, spectral theory of differential operators, integral and integral–differential equations, difference equations and their applications in control theory, mathematical modeling, shell theory, informatics, and oscillation theory. The journal is published in collaboration with the Department of Mathematics and the Division of Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
- Vol. 16, 2008 - Present
e-Journal + Print
- Springer
- International Journal for Theory, Real World Modelling and Simulations
- Vol. 01, 1986 - Present
- Springer Link
- Discrete & Computational Geometry (DCG) is an international journal of mathematics and computer science, covering a broad range of topics in which geometry plays a fundamental role. It publishes geometric papers on such topics as
- polytopes, spatial subdivision, packing, covering, and tiling, configurations and arrangements, and geometric graphs;
- geometric algorithms and their complexity, convex hulls, Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay triangulation, and range searching;
- solid modeling, computer graphics, image processing, pattern recognition, and motion planning;
- computational topology, discrete differential geometry, geometric probability, and real algebraic geometry.
The journal also accepts papers with a distinct geometric flavor in such areas as graph theory, mathematical programming, combinatorial optimization, algebraic geometry, geometry of numbers, crystallography, data analysis, machine learning, and robotics.
The journal also encourages additional material such as short videos, animated graphics, and similar electronic supplementary material. 100% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 01, 1991 - Present
- Springer Link
- The focus of this journal is on general theories and methodologies of discrete event dynamic systems (DEDS) and their applications, as well as on practical problems from which some generally applicable theories or methodologies can be formulated. The scope of the journal is defined by its emphasis on the modeling of discrete events by dynamic systems, and on problems of their control and optimization. All papers are peer-reviewed.
J-DEDS covers all aspects of DEDS, including: theory and formal models (supervisory control and diagnosis, Petri nets, Min-Max-plus algebras, DEDS specification, or simulation formalisms), performance analysis, optimization, event-based control and optimal control (perturbation analysis, control synthesis, sample-path-based approaches, AI-based learning schemes, scalable solutions to large and complex systems), and applications (case studies and software engineering). J-DEDS also covers the interface of DEDS with hybrid systems and cyber-physical systems.
- Publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed papers on the modeling and control of discrete event dynamical systems (DEDS).
- Presents general theories and methodologies of DEDSs and their applications.
- iscusses practical problems from which some generally applicable DEDS theories or methodologies can be formulated.
- Vol. 73, 2006 - Present
- Springer
- Doklady Mathematics is a journal consisting of English translations of articles published in Russian on mathematics, mathematical physics, computer science, control theory, and computers in the corresponding sections of Doklady Akademii Nauk. The journal's goal is to publish the most significant new research in mathematics and related subjects carried out in Russia today or in collaboration with Russian authors. The journal accepts only articles in the Russian language that are submitted or recommended by acting Russian or foreign members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal does not accept direct submissions in English.
- Vol. 01, 2001 - Present
- Springer Link
- Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM) will publish research and survey papers of the highest quality which further the understanding of the connections between mathematics and computation. The journal aims to promote the exploration of all fundamental issues underlying the creative tension among mathematics, computer science and application areas unencumbered by any external criteria such as the pressure for applications. The journal will thus serve an increasingly important and applicable area of mathematics. The journal hopes to further the understanding of the deep relationships between mathematical theory: analysis, topology, geometry and algebra, and the computational processes as they are evolving in tandem with the modern computer.
The journal does not accept code for review however authors who have code/data related to the submission should include a weblink to the repository where the data/code is stored.
- Vol. 01, 1967 - Present
- Springer
- Functional Analysis and Its Applications publishes current problems of functional analysis, including representation theory, theory of abstract and functional spaces, theory of operators, spectral theory, theory of operator equations, and the theory of normed rings. The journal also covers the most important applications of functional analysis in mathematics, mechanics, and theoretical physics.
Founded by I. M. Gel'fand in 1967, Functional Analysis and its Applications is a translation of the peer-reviewed Russian journal Funktsional'Nyi Analiz i Ego Prilozheniya, a publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- Vol. 01, 2006 - Vol. 02, 2009
- Springer
- Vol. 01, 1972 - Present
- Springer Link
- Geometriae Dedicata concentrates on geometry and its relationship to topology, group theory and the theory of dynamical systems. It aims to be a vehicle for excellent publications in geometry and related areas. The journal features special issues centered on specific topics of interest.
Geometriae Dedicata was founded in 1972 on the initiative of Hans Freudenthal in Utrecht, the Netherlands, who viewed geometry as a method rather than as a field. The present Board of Editors tries to continue in this spirit. The steady growth of the journal since its foundation is witness to the validity of the founder's vision and to the success of the Editors' mission.
- Concentrates on geometry and its relationship to topology, group theory and the theory of dynamical systems
- Aims to be a vehicle for excellent publications in geometry and related areas
- Features special issues centered on specific topics of interest
- 88% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 01, 1991 - Present
- Springer
- Geometric And Functional Analysis (GAFA) publishes original research papers of the highest quality on a broad range of mathematical topics related to geometry and analysis.
- Vol. 01, 1985 - Present
- Springer Link
- Graphs and Combinatorics is an international journal, which was established in 1985.
It is devoted to research concerning all aspects of combinatorial mathematics, especially graph theory and discrete geometry. In addition to original research papers, the journal also publishes one major survey article each year. Notable survey articles include
- Ronald J. Gould, Advances on the Hamiltonian Problem – A Survey (2003)
- Bert Randerath and Ingo Schiermeyer, Vertex Colouring and Forbidden Subgraphs – A Survey (2004)
- Xueliang Li, Yongtang Shi, Yuefang Sun, Rainbow Connections of Graphs: A Survey (2013)
- Ronald J. Gould, Recent Advances on the Hamiltonian Problem: Survey III (2014)
Graphs and Combinatorics is published bimonthly, and time between acceptance and publication in an issue is currently three months. The range of coverage is extensive:
- Algebraic Combinatorics
- Combinatorial Design Theory
- Discrete Geometry
- Extremal Set Theory
- Graph Theory
Commonly used title abbreviations: Graphs Combin.
96% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 01, 2006 - Vol. 02, 2009
- Springer Link
- Functional Analysis and Other Mathematics is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. All articles published in the journal during its time with Springer will remain fully searchable through our websites.
- Vol. 41, 2010 - Present
- Springer Link
- The journal publishes original research in all areas of pure and applied mathematics, statistics and other related areas such as:
- Algebra
- Analysis
- Geometry
- Topology
- Number Theory
- Differential Equations
- Operations Research
- Mathematical Economics
- Mathematical Biology
- Mathematical Physics
- Computer Science
This journal is the official publication of the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, India. It enjoys good reputation and popularity at international level in terms of research papers and distribution worldwide.
- Offers selected original research in Pure and Applied Mathematics and Statistics
- IJPAM’s coverage extends to Operations Research, Mathematical Economics, Mathematics Biology and Computer Science
- Published in association with the Indian National Science Academy
- Vol. 01, 1966 - Present
- Springer Link
- This journal is published at frequent intervals to bring out new contributions to mathematics. It is a policy of the journal to publish papers within four months of acceptance. Once a paper is accepted it goes immediately into production and no changes can be made by the author(s).
- Vol. 97, 1997 - Present
- Springer Link
- The Israel Journal of Mathematics is an international journal publishing high-quality, original research papers in a wide spectrum of pure and applied mathematics. The prestigious interdisciplinary editorial board reflects the diversity of subjects covered in this journal, including set theory, model theory, algebra, group theory, number theory, analysis, functional analysis, ergodic theory, algebraic topology, geometry, combinatorics, theoretical computer science, mathematical physics, applied mathematics.
The Israel Journal of Mathematics is owned by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and publishes for worldwide distribution under the Magnes Press. Since its inception in 1963, its volumes can be found in the libraries of major mathematical institutions around the world. More than 2,300 pages per year are published.
- Free app available on iTunes and Google Play Store
- Publishes high-quality, original research papers in a wide spectrum of pure and applied mathematics.
- Features a prestigious interdisciplinary editorial board.
- Vol. 14, 1997 - Present
- Springer
- Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JJIAM) is intended to provide an international forum for the expression of new ideas, as well as a site for the presentation of original research in various fields of the mathematical sciences. Consequently the most welcome types of articles are those which provide new insights into and methods for mathematical structures of various phenomena in the natural, social and industrial sciences, those which link real-world phenomena and mathematics through modeling and analysis, and those which impact the development of the mathematical sciences. The scope of the journal covers applied mathematical analysis, computational techniques and industrial mathematics.
- Offers new insight into mathematical structures of phenomena in natural, social and industrial sciences
- Presents research impacting the development of mathematical sciences
- Journal of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Vol. 01, 2006 - Present
- Springer
- The official journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, the Japanese Journal of Mathematics is devoted to authoritative research survey articles that will promote future progress in mathematics. It encourages advanced and clear expositions, giving new insights on topics of current interest from broad perspectives and/or reviewing all major developments in an important area over many years.
An eminent international mathematics journal, the Japanese Journal of Mathematics has been published since 1924. It is an ideal resource for a wide range of mathematicians extending beyond a small circle of specialists.
- The official journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan.
- Devoted to authoritative research survey articles that will promote future progress in mathematics.
- Gives new insight on topics of current interest from broad perspectives and/or reviews all major developments in an important area over many years.
- Vol. 67, 1997 - Present
- Springer Link
- The Journal d’Analyse Mathématique publishes top-level original articles in English and French in the field of classical analysis and in related areas. The broad mathematical scope of this journal includes topics such as complex function theory, functional analysis, ergodic theory, harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, and quasiconformal mappings.
The Journal d’Analyse Mathématique is owned by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Since its founding in 1951 by B. Amira, its volumes can be found in the libraries of major mathematical institutions around the world.
- Free app available on iTunes and Google Play Store
- Publishes top-level original articles in English and French in the field of classical analysis and in related areas.
- Covers a broad mathematical scope.
- Owned by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- Vol. 01, 1992 - Present
- Springer Link
- The Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics publishes papers in which combinatorics and algebra interact in a significant and interesting fashion. This interaction might occur through the study of combinatorial structures using algebraic methods, or the application of combinatorial methods to algebraic problems. The combinatorics might be enumerative, or involve matroids, posets, polytopes, codes, designs, or finite geometries. The algebra could be group theory, representation theory, lattice theory or commutative algebra, to mention just a few possibilities.
This journal provides an ideal resource to the subject, providing a single forum for papers on algebraic combinatorics for researchers in combinatorics, and mathematical and computer scientists with a strong interest in combinatorial structure.
- Publishes papers in which combinatorics and algebra interact in a significant and interesting fashion.
- Provides a single forum for papers on algebraic combinatorics for researchers in combinatorics, and mathematical and computer scientists with a strong interest in combinatorial structure.
- Vol. 04, 1997 - Present
- Springer Link
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing (JAMC) is a broad-based journal covering all branches of computational or applied mathematics with special encouragement to researchers in theoretical computer science and mathematical computing. It covers all major areas, such as numerical analysis, discrete optimization, linear and nonlinear programming, theory of computation, control theory, theory of algorithms, computational logic, applied combinatorics, coding theory, cryptograhics, fuzzy theory with applications, differential equations with applications.
JAMC features research papers in all branches of mathematics which have some bearing on the application to scientific problems, including areas of actuarial science, mathematical biology, mathematical economics and finance.
- Covers all branches of computational or applied mathematics
- Features research papers in all branches of mathematics that have some bearing on the application to scientific problems
- Ideal for to researchers in theoretical computer science and mathematical computing
- 95% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 42, 2007 - Present
- Springer
- Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences) is an outlet for research stemming from the widely acclaimed Armenian school of theory of functions, this journal today continues the traditions of that school in the area of general analysis. A very prolific group of mathematicians in Yerevan contribute to this leading mathematics journal in the following fields: real and complex analysis; approximations; boundary value problems; integral and stochastic geometry; differential equations; probability; integral equations; algebra.
- Vol. 07, 1997 - Present
- Springer Link
- The Journal of Geometric Analysis is dedicated to publishing new results at the interface of analysis, geometry, and partial differential equations. It welcomes research papers and high-level expository papers in fields such as complex dynamics, Ricci flow, Riemannian geometry, and harmonic analysis. The journal maintains a high standard of innovation and excellence, and all papers undergo single-blind peer review.
Founded in 1990 by its current Editor-in-Chief Steven G. Krantz, The Journal of Geometric Analysis has become a leading resource on the interaction of geometry with analysis and their applications.
- 94% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 01, 1974 - Present
- Springer
- The Journal of Mathematical Biology focuses on mathematical biology - work that uses mathematical approaches to gain biological understanding or explain biological phenomena.
Papers should either provide biological insight as a result of mathematical analysis or identify and open up challenging new types of mathematical problems that derive from biological knowledge (in the form of data, or theory, or simulation results). Mathematical ideas, methods, techniques and results are welcome, provided they show sufficient potential for usefulness in a biological context. Authors are encouraged to include a brief summarising discussion of the main results to make them accessible to readers with biology background.
Areas of biology covered include, but are not restricted to, cell biology, physiology, development, neurobiology, genetics and population genetics, population biology, ecology, behavioural biology, evolution, epidemiology, immunology, molecular biology, biofluids, DNA and protein structure and function. All mathematical approaches including computational and visualization approaches are appropriate.
State-of-the-art survey papers, including prospective discussion or speculation, are particularly welcome.
- Fosters the contribution of mathematical modeling and reasoning to the understanding of biological systems
- Serves as a forum for the presentation of biologically inspired problems
- Official Journal of the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology
- Vol. 01, 2002 - Vol. 09, 2010
- Springer Link
- Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. All articles published in the journal during its time with Springer will remain fully searchable through our websites
- Vol. 01, 1973 - Present
- Springer
- Journal of Mathematical Sciences provides English translations from outstanding Russian-and Ukrainian-language publications of authoritative reports on current mathematical advances. Articles cover a wide range of topics, including mathematical analyses, probability, statistics, algebra, geometry, mathematical physics, wave propagation, stochastic processes, boundary value problems, linear operators, and number and function theory. See the Aims & Scope for information on the Russian-and Ukrainian-language publications covered by the Journal of Mathematical Sciences.
The journal is a valuable resource for pure and applied mathematicians, statisticians, systems theorists and analysts, and information scientists.
- Integrates authoritative reports on current mathematical advances from outstanding Russian-language publications
- Covers a wide range of topics, including from mathematical analyses to number theory
- A valuable resource for pure and applied mathematicians, statisticians, systems theorists and analysts, and information scientists
- 91% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 01, 1998 - Present
- Springer Link
- Now accepted in SSCI (Web of Science’s Social Sciences Citation Index)
Impact Factor: 1.574 (2019)
The Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (JMTE) is devoted to research that seeks to improve the education of mathematics teachers and develop teaching methods that better enable mathematics students to learn. The journal covers all stages of the professional development of mathematics teachers and teacher-educators. It serves as a forum for examining institutional, societal, and cultural influences that impact on teachers' learning and ultimately their students’ learning.
Papers are published in one of three JMTE sections. Research papers reflect the main topics of the journal and go beyond local or national interest. Mathematics Teacher Education Around the World focuses on programs and issues of national significance that may be of wider interest or influence. Reader Commentary consists of short contributions that may offer a response to a published paper or develop an idea. The journal also publishes critiques of relevant reports and books.
- Seeks to improve the education of mathematics teachers and develop teaching methods that better enable mathematics students to learn
- Covers all stages of the professional development of mathematics teachers and teacher-educators
- Examines institutional, societal, and cultural influences that impact on teachers' learning and their students’ learning
- Vol. 01, 1967 - Present
- Springer
- The Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications publishes carefully selected papers covering mathematical optimization techniques and their applications to science and engineering. An applications paper should be as much about the application of an optimization technique as it is about the solution of a particular problem.
Typical theoretical areas covered in the journal include linear, nonlinear, mathematical, and dynamic programming. Among the areas of application covered are mathematical economics, mathematical physics and biology, and aerospace, chemical, civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering.
The Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications journal publishes six types of contributions: regular papers, invited papers, survey papers, technical notes, book notices, and forums (very short papers containing comments on published papers, discussions of open problems, discussions of research perspectives, and so on).
97% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again.
- Vol. 01, 1988 - Present
- Springer
- This multidisciplinary journal publishes high-quality, original papers in all areas of probability theory, including probability on semigroups, groups, vector spaces, other abstract structures, and random matrices.
Journal of Theoretical Probability provides mathematicians and researchers in physics, engineering, statistics, and computer science with a peer-reviewed forum for the exchange of vital ideas in the field of theoretical probability.
- Covers all areas of probability theory, including probability on semigroups, groups, vector spaces, other abstract structures, and random matrices.
- Provides a peer-reviewed forum for the exchange of vital ideas in the field of theoretical probability.
- Vol. 01, 1975 - Present
- Springer Link
- The aim of Letters in Mathematical Physics is to attract the community's attention on important and original developments in the area of mathematical physics and contemporary theoretical physics. The journal publishes letters and longer research articles, occasionally also articles containing topical reviews. We are committed to both fast publication and careful refereeing. In addition, the journal offers important contributions to modern mathematics in fields which have a potential physical application, and important developments in theoretical physics which have potential mathematical impact.
- Presents important new developments in mathematical physics
- 100% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 01, 1968 - Present
- Springer
- Linear Algebra and its Applications publishes articles that contribute new information or new insights to matrix theory and finite dimensional linear algebra in their algebraic, arithmetic, combinatorial, geometric, or numerical aspects. It also publishes articles that give significant applications of matrix theory or linear algebra to other branches of mathematics and to other sciences. Articles that provide new information or perspectives on the historical development of matrix theory and linear algebra are also welcome. Expository articles which can serve as an introduction to a subject for workers in related areas and which bring one to the frontiers of research are encouraged. Reviews of books are published occasionally as are conference reports that provide an historical record of major meetings on matrix theory and linear algebra.
- Vol. 13, 1973 - Present
- Springer
- The Lithuanian Mathematical Journal publishes high-quality original papers mainly in pure mathematics. This multidisciplinary quarterly journal provides mathematicians and researchers in other areas of science with a peer-reviewed forum for the exchange of vital ideas in the field of mathematics.
Coverage includes:
- probability theory and statistics
- differential equations (theory and numerical methods)
- number theory
- financial and actuarial mathematics, econometrics.
The journal features research papers from those whose work is related to the advances being made by Lithuanian mathematicians.
More information is available at the editors' website via the following link:
Publishes high-quality original papers mainly in pure mathematics.
- Provides mathematicians and researchers in other areas of science with a peer-reviewed forum for the exchange of vital ideas in the field of mathematics.
- Features research papers from those whose work is related to the advances being made by Lithuanian mathematicians.
- Vol. 29, 2008 - Present
- Springer
- Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics is an is an international peer reviewed journal published in collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences and Kazan Federal University. The journal covers mathematical topics associated with the name of famous Russian mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky (Lobachevskii). The journal publishes research articles on geometry and topology, algebra, complex analysis, functional analysis, probability theory and mathematical statistics, optimal control, and theory of algorithms, as well as mechanics and applied mathematics. The journal welcomes manuscripts from all countries in the English or Russian language.
- Vol. 01, 1994 - Present
- Springer
- Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (NoDEA) provides a forum for research contributions on nonlinear differential equations motivated by application to applied sciences.
The research areas of interest for NoDEA include, but are not limited to:
- deterministic and stochastic ordinary and partial differential equations,
- finite and infinite-dimensional dynamical systems,
- qualitative analysis of solutions,
- variational, topological and viscosity methods,
- mathematical control theory,
- complex dynamics and pattern formation,
- approximation and numerical aspects.
The journal also welcomes application-oriented articles with strong mathematical content in scientific areas such as classical, statistical and quantum mechanics, fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, chemical kinetics, combustion theory, population dynamics, economics and finance.
- Vol. 01, 1991 - Present
- Springer
- The Numerical Algorithms journal offers high quality papers containing material not published elsewhere. The journal presents original and review papers on all aspects of numerical algorithms and numerical analysis: new algorithms, theoretical results, implementation, numerical stability, complexity, parallel computing, subroutines and applications, interpolation, approximation, quadrature, numerical linear algebra, differential equations (ordinary, partial, fractional), optimization, CAGD, integral equations, linear and nonlinear programming, variational inequalities, systems of nonlinear equations, software, etc. Papers on computer algebra related to obtaining numerical results are also included. Articles presenting new methods only based on numerical results and without any theoretical justification cannot be considered for publication.
- Presents original and review papers on all aspects of numerical algorithms
- Coverage includes new algorithms, theoretical results, implementation, numerical stability, complexity, parallel computing, subroutines and applications
- Also provides book reviews and announcements of scientific meetings
- 96% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Free app available on iTunes and Google Play Store
- Vol. 01, 2008 - Present
- Springer
- Numerical Analysis and Applications is the translation of the Russian periodical Sibirskii Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki (Siberian Journal on Numerical Mathematics) published by the Publishing House of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1998.
The aim of this journal is to provide the results of Research in numerical analysis applications to various fields of science and engineering.
The main topics of the journal are
- Theory and practice of computational methods, mathematical physics, and other applied fields;
- Mathematical models of elasticity theory, hydrodynamics, fluid dynamics, and geophysics;
- Parallelizing of algorithms;
- Models and methods of bioinformatics.
- Vol. 01, 1959 - Present
- Springer
- Numerische Mathematik publishes papers of the very highest quality presenting significantly new and important developments in all areas of Numerical Analysis. "Numerical Analysis" is here understood in its most general sense, as that part of Mathematics that covers:
- The conception and mathematical analysis of efficient numerical schemes actually used on computers (the "core" of Numerical Analysis)
- Optimization and Control Theory
- Mathematical Modeling
- The mathematical aspects of Scientific Computing
93% of authors reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in the journal again
- Vol. 01, 1997 - Present
- Springer Link
- The purpose of Positivity is to provide an outlet for high quality original research in all areas of analysis and its applications to other disciplines having a clear and substantive link to the general theme of positivity. Specifically, articles that illustrate applications of positivity to other disciplines - including but not limited to - economics, engineering, life sciences, physics, and statistical decision theory are welcome.
- Vol. 01, 1962 - Present
- Springer Link
- This journal publishes research papers in modern probability theory, its relations to analysis, geometry and other areas in mathematics, and its various fields of application. It also contains survey papers on emerging areas of importance.
Besides the main topics of modern probability theory, the subjects of interests in Probability Theory and Related Fields include applications of probability theory to mathematical statistical physics, ergodic theory, mathematical biology, mathematical statistics, and theoretical computer science.
Publishes research papers in modern probability theory, its relations to analysis, geometry and other areas in mathematics, and its various fields of application.
- Contains survey papers on emerging areas of importance.
- Vol. 107, 1997 - Present
- Springer
- This journal publishes refereed papers covering current research in mathematics. The papers present results of original work, critical reviews of important fields, and applied areas. The journal also features special issues devoted to advances in specific areas of mathematics and proceedings of selected high quality conferences.
- Published by the Indian Academy of Sciences
- Publishes refereed papers covering current research in mathematics.
- Includes papers that present results of original work, critical reviews of important fields, and applied areas.
- Features special issues devoted to advances in specific areas of mathematics and proceedings of selected high quality conferences.
- Vol. 253, 2006 - Present
- Springer Link
- Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics is a peer reviewed periodical published quarterly. Each issue contains a collection of articles pertaining to one or several related topics. The authors of many articles are affiliated with the Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Along with the editorial board, each issue has its own guest editors.
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics also publishes monographs on topical problems in mathematics.
- Vol. 01, 1959 - Present
- Springer Link
- The Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS is an international journal publishing papers of highest scientific level. Thanks to its worldwide distribution (it can be found in the libraries of the major mathematical institutions in the world), to its tradition of publishing landmark articles and to its broad coverage of the discipline, it has won international recognition.
- Vol. 31, 1997 - Present
- Springer Link
- Results in Mathematics (RM) publishes mainly research papers in all fields of pure and applied mathematics. In addition, it publishes summaries of any mathematical field and surveys of any mathematical subject provided they are designed to advance some recent mathematical development.
- Vol. 55, 2006 - Present
- Springer
- Ricerche di Matematica was founded by Carlo Miranda in 1952, with the support of Renato Caccioppoli and other members of the Istituto di Matematica of Naples University. The journal has been published without interruption in Naples from 1952 to 2005, in this period 54 volumes appeared. From 2006 “Ricerche di Matematica” is published by Springer-Verlag. Ricerche di Matematica is published under the auspices of the Department of Mathematics and Applications “R. Caccioppoli” and a board of professors from the Naples University “Federico II” appoints and supports the editors of the journal. The list of editors appears in each issue.
Ricerche di Matematica publishes original articles in English language in any field of pure and applied mathematics.
- Vol. 13, 2006 - Present
- Springer Link
- Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics is a peer-reviewed periodical that deals with the full range of topics subsumed by that discipline, which lies at the foundation of much of contemporary science. Thus, in addition to mathematical physics per se, the journal coverage includes, but is not limited to, functional analysis, linear and nonlinear partial differential equations, algebras, quantization, quantum field theory, modern differential and algebraic geometry and topology, representations of Lie groups, calculus of variations, asymptotic methods, random process theory, dynamical systems, and control theory.
- Vol. 51, 2007 - Present
- Springer Link
- Russian Mathematics is a peer reviewed periodical that encompasses the most significant research in both pure and applied mathematics.
- Vol. 40, 1997 - Present
- Springer Link
- Science China Mathematics is committed to publishing high-quality, original results in both basic and applied research. It presents reviews that summarize representative results and achievements in a particular topic or an area, comment on the current state of research, or advise on research directions. In addition, the journal features research papers that report on important original results in all areas of mathematics as well as brief reports that present information in a timely manner on the latest important results.
- Publishes high-quality, original results in both basic and applied research.
- Presents reviews that summarize representative results and achievements in a particular topic or an area, comment on the current state of research, or advise on research directions.
- Vol. 01, 1995 - Present
- Springer Link
- Selecta Mathematica, New Series is a peer-reviewed journal addressed to a wide mathematical audience. It accepts well-written high quality papers in all areas of pure mathematics, and selected areas of applied mathematics. The journal especially encourages submission of papers which have the potential of opening new perspectives.
- Vol. 17, 2007 - Present
- Springer Link
- Siberian Advances in Mathematics is a journal that publishes articles on fundamental and applied mathematics. It covers a broad spectrum of subjects: algebra and logic, real and complex analysis, functional analysis, differential equations, mathematical physics, geometry and topology, probability and mathematical statistics, mathematical cybernetics, mathematical economics, mathematical problems of geophysics and tomography, numerical methods, and optimization theory.
- Vol. 07, 1966 - Present
- Springer
- Siberian Mathematical Journal is journal published in collaboration with the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics in Novosibirsk. The journal publishes the results of studies in various branches of mathematics.
- Vol. 24, 2000 - Vol. 26, 2003
- Springer Link
- Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. All articles published in the journal during its time with Springer will remain fully searchable through our websites.
- Vol. 01, 1992 - Present
- Springer Link
- Statistical Methods and Applications (SMA) is the official Journal of the Italian Statistical Society. This international journal fosters the development of statistical methodology and its applications in biological, demographic, economic, health, physical, social, and other scientific domains. In particular, the journal emphasizes investigations of methodological foundations and methods that have broad applications.
SMA includes two sections. The first is devoted to statistical methodology, publishing original contributions in all fields of statistics. In addition, this section periodically publishes critical reviews and discussions on recent developments in statistical theory and methods. The second section publishes papers devoted to original and innovative applications of recent statistical methodology and complex approaches of statistical data analysis.
Officially cited as: Stat Methods Appl
Fosters the development of statistical methodology and its applications in biological, demographic, economic, health, physical, social, and other domains
Emphasizes investigations of methodological foundations and methods that have broad applications
Publishes Italian and international research
- Vol. 38, 1997 - Present
- Springer Link
- Statistical Papers provides a forum for the presentation and critical assessment of statistical methods. In particular, the journal encourages the discussion of methodological foundations as well as potential applications.
This journal stresses statistical methods that have broad applications; however, it does give special attention to statistical methods that are relevant to the economic and social sciences. In addition to original research papers, readers will find survey articles, short notes, reports on statistical software, problem section, and book reviews.
- Vol. 01, 1991 - Present
- Springer Link
- Statistics and Computing is a bi-monthly refereed journal that publishes papers covering the interface between the statistical and computing sciences.
The journal includes techniques for evaluating analytically intractable problems, such as bootstrap resampling, Markov chain Monte Carlo, sequential Monte Carlo, approximate Bayesian computation, search and optimization methods, stochastic simulation and Monte Carlo, graphics, computer environments, statistical approaches to software errors, information retrieval, machine learning, statistics of databases and database technology, huge data sets and big data analytics, computer algebra, graphical models, image processing, tomography, inverse problems and uncertainty quantification.
Addresses the use of statistical concepts in computing science, for example, in machine learning, computer vision and data analytics, as well as the use of computers in data modelling, prediction and analysis
- Publishes original research reports, authoritative review papers, discussion papers, book review and software review sections
- Features special issues dedicated to important and emerging topics or the proceedings of relevant conferences
- Vol. 19, 1967 - Present
- Springer
- Ukrainian Mathematical Journal publishes articles and brief communications on various areas of pure and applied mathematics and contains sections devoted to scientific information, bibliography, and reviews of current problems. It features contributions from researchers from the Ukrainian Mathematics Institute, the major scientific centers of the Ukraine and other countries.
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal is a translation of the peer-reviewed journal Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal, a publication of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
- Publishes articles and brief communications on various areas of pure and applied mathematics.
- Contains sections devoted to scientific information, criticism, bibliography, and reviews of current problems.
- Features contributions from researchers from the Ukrainian Mathematics Institute, the major scientific centers of the Ukraine and Russia, and other countries.
- Vol. 41, 2013 - Present
- Springer
- Vietnam Journal of Mathematics was originally founded in 1973 by the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology and the Vietnam Mathematical Society. Published by Springer from 1997 to 2005 and since 2013, this quarterly journal is open to contributions from researchers from all over the world, where all submitted articles are peer-reviewed by experts worldwide. It aims to publish high-quality original research papers and review articles in all active areas of pure and applied mathematics.
Presents original high level research in pure and applied mathematics to the global scientific community
- Publishes works by authors from diverse backgrounds.
- Vol. 01, 1950 - Present
- Springer Link
- The Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP) publishes papers of high scientific quality in Fluid Mechanics, Mechanics of Solids and Differential Equations/Applied Mathematics. A paper will be considered for publication if at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
- The paper includes results or discussions which can be considered original and highly interesting.
- The paper presents a new method.
The author reviews a problem or a class of problems with such profound insight that further research is encouraged.
The readers of ZAMP will find not only articles in their own special field but also original work in neighbouring domains. This will lead to an exchange of ideas; concepts and methods which have proven to be successful in one field may well be useful to other areas. ZAMP attempts to publish articles reasonably quickly. Longer papers are published in the section Original Papers", shorter ones may appear under "Brief Reports" where publication is particularly rapid. The journal includes a "Book Review" section and provides information on activities (such as upcoming symposia, meetings or special courses) which are of interest to its readers.
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