These are the publications by Govindan Rangarajan after he joined the department.
Kashyap, G. A. R. S. R. K. and Bapat, D. and Das, D. and Gowaikar, R. D. and Amritkar, R. E. and Rangarajan, G. and V. Ravindranath and G. Ambika,
Synapse loss and progress of Alzheimer’s disease - A network model, Scientific Reports , 9 (2019), .
Lin, X. and Kulkarni, P. and Bocci, F. and Schafer, N. and Roy, S. and Tsai, M-Y. and He, Y. and Chen, Y and Rajagopalan, K. and Mooney, S. and Zeng, Y. and Weninger, K. and Grishaev, A. and Onuchic, J. and Levine, H. and Wolynes, P. and Salgia, R. and Rangarajan, G. and Uversky, V. and Orban, J. and Jolly, M. K.,
Structural and Dynamical Order of a Disordered Protein: Molecular Insights into Conformational Switching of PAGE4 at the Systems Level, Biomolecules , 9 (2019), 77.
Vishnu Priya, N. and Senthilvelan, M. and Rangarajan, Govindan,
On the role of four-wave mixing effect in the interactions between nonlinear modes of coupled generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Chaos , 29 (2019), 123135, 14.
Vishnu Priya, N. and Senthilvelan, M. and Rangarajan, Govindan and Lakshmanan, M.,
On symmetry preserving and symmetry broken bright, dark and antidark soliton solutions of nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Phys. Lett. A , 383 (2019), 15-26.
Chopra, R. and Murthy, C. R. and Rangarajan, G.,
Statistical tests for detecting Granger causality, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , (2018), 5803.
Lin, X. and Roy, S. and Jolly, M. K. and Bocci, F. and Schafer, N. P. and Tsai, M.-Y. and Chen, Y. and He, Y. and Grishaev, A. and Weninger, K. and Orban, J. and Kulkarni, P. and Rangarajan, G. and Levine, H. and J. N. Onuchic,
PAGE4 and conformational switching: Insights from molecular dynamics simulations and implications for prostate cancer, Journal of Molecular Biology , 430 (2018), 2422.
Sant, D.A. and Parvez, I. A. and Rangarajan, G. and Patel, S. J. and Salam, T. A. S. and Bhatt, M. N.,
Subsurface imaging of brown coal bearing Tertiary sedimentaries - Deccan Trap interface using microtremor method, Journal of Applied Geophysics , 159 (2018), 362.
Joshi, A. U. and Sant, D. A. and Parvez, I. A. and Rangarajan, G. and Limaye, M. A. and Mukherjee, S. and Charola, M. J. and Bhatt, M. N. and Mistry, S. P.,
Sub-surface profiling of granite pluton using microtremor method: southern Aravalli, Gujarat, India, International Journal of Earth Sciences , 106 (2017), 0.
Palaniyandi, P. and Rangarajan, G.,
A mathematical model for storage and recall of images using targeted synchronization of coupled maps, Scientific Reports , 7 (2017), 8921.
Sant D. A and Parvez, I. A. and Rangarajan, G. and Patel, J. and Bhatt, M. N. and Salam, T. A. S.,
Subsurface profiling along Banni Plains and bounding faults, Kachchh, Western India using Microtremors method, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences , 146 (2017), 326.
Mooney, S. M. and Rajagopalan, K. and Rangarajan, G. and Kulkarni, P.,
Cancer/testis antigens and obligate participation in multiple hallmarks of cancer: an update, Asian Journal of Andrology , 18 (2016), 711.
Rangarajan, N. and Fox, Z. and Singh, A. and Kulkarni, P. and Rangarajan, G.,
Disorder, Oscillatory Dynamics and State Switching: The Role of c-Myc, Journal of Theoretical Biology , 386 (2015), 105.
Ray, A. and Sehgal, N. and Karunakaran, S. and Rangarajan, G. and Ravindranath, V.,
MPTP activates ASK1-p38 MAPK signaling pathway through TNF-dependent Trx1 oxidation in Parkinsonism mouse model, Free Radical Biology & Medicine , 87 (2015), 312.
Ghosh, A. and Paria, D. and Rangarajan, G. and Ghosh, A.,
Velocity fluctuations in helical propulsion: How small can a propeller be, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , 5 (2014), 62.
Nalatore. H. and Sasikumar, N. and Rangarajan, G.,
Effect of measurement noise on Granger causality, Physical Review E , 90 (2014), 25687.
Sampath, D. and Sabitha, K. R. and Hegde, P. and Jayakrishnan, H. R. and Kutty, B.M. and Chattarji, S. and Rangarajan, G. and Laxmi, T.R.,
A study on fear memory retrieval and REM sleep in maternal separation and isolation stressed rats, Behavioural Brain Research , 273 (2014), 144.
Gade, P. and Rangarajan, G.,
Frustration induced oscillator death on networks, Chaos , 23 (2013), 13892.
Mahmoudabadi, G. and Rajagopalan, K. and Getzenberg, R. H. and Hannenhalli, S. and Rangarajan, G. and Kulkarni, P.,
Intrinsically disordered proteins and conformational noise: Implications in cancer, Cell Cycle , 12 (2013), 26.
Wen, Xiaotong and Rangarajan, Govindan and Ding, Mingzhou,
Multivariate Granger causality: an estimation framework based on factorization of the spectral density matrix, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. , 371 (2013), 20110610, 14.
Wen. X. and Rangarajan, G. and Ding, M.,
Is Granger causality a viable technique for analyzing fMRI data?, PLoS One , 08 (2013), e67428.
Resmi, V. and Ambika, G. and Amritkar, R. E. and Rangarajan, G.,
Amplitude death in complex networks induced by environment, Physical Review E , 85 (2012), 19593.
Sukumaran, P. and Sant, D. A. and Krishnan, K. and Rangarajan, G.,
High resolution facies record on Late Holocene flood plain sediments from lower reaches of Narmada Valley, Western India, Journal of the Geological Society of India , 79 (2012), 41.
Nedungadi, Aatira G. and Ding, Mingzhou and Rangarajan, Govindan,
Block coherence: a method for measuring the interdependence between two blocks of neurobiological time series, Biol. Cybernet. , 104 (2011), 197-207.
Sukumaran, P. and Parvez, I. A. and Sant, D. A. and Rangarajan, G. and Krishnan, K.,
Profiling of Late Tertiary - Early Quaternary surface in the lower reaches of Narmada Valley using microtremors, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences , 41 (2011), 325.
Borkar, Vivek S. and Ghosh, Mrinal K. and Rangarajan, G.,
Application of nonlinear filtering to credit risk, Oper. Res. Lett. , 38 (2010), 527-532.
Ghosh, S. and Rangarajan, G. and Sinha, S.,
Stability of synchronization in a multi-cellular system, European Physics Letters , 92 (2010), 40012.
Rangarajan, Govindan and Sridharan, Shrihari,
Invariant norm quantifying nonlinear content of Hamiltonian systems, Appl. Math. Comput. , 217 (2010), 2495-2500.
Amritkar, R. E. and Rangarajan, Govindan,
Stability of multicluster synchronization, Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. , 19 (2009), 4263-4271.
Nalatore, H. and Ding, M. and Rangarajan, G.,
Denoising neural data with state-space smoothing: Method and application, Journal of Neuroscience Methods , 179 (2009), 131.
Nalatore, H. and Rangarajan, G.,
Short-window spectral analysis using AMVAR and multitaper methods: A comparison, Biological Cybernetics , 101 (2009), 71.
Nedungadi, Aatira G. and Rangarajan, Govindan and Jain, Neeraj and Ding, Mingzhou,
Analyzing multiple spike trains with nonparametric Granger causality, J. Comput. Neurosci. , 27 (2009), 55-64.
Dhamala, M. and Rangarajan, G. and Ding, M.,
Estimating Granger causality from Fourier and wavelet transforms of time series data, Physical Review Letters , 100 (2008), 018701.
Dhamala, M. and Rangarajan, G. and Ding, M.,
Analyzing information flow in brain networks with nonparametric Granger causality, NeuroImage , 41 (2008), 354.
Ganapathy, R. and Rangarajan, G. and Sood A. K.,
Granger causality and cross recurrence plots in rheochaos, Physical Review E , 75 (2007), 7305.
Nalatore, H. and Ding, M. and Rangarajan, G.,
Mitigating the effects of measurement noise on Granger causality, Physical Review E , 75 (2007), 12883.
Nalatore, Hariharan and Truccolo, Wilson and Rangarajan, Govindan,
Fast robust pattern classification algorithms for real time neuro-motor prosthetic applications, J. Indian Inst. Sci. , 87 (2007), 497-509.
Palaniyandi, P. and Rangarajan, G.,
Critical lattice size limit for synchronized chaotic state in one- and two-dimensional diffusively coupled map lattices, Physical Review E , 76 (2007), 11906.
Amritkar, R. E. and Rangarajan, G.,
Spatially synchronous extinction of species under external forcing, Physical Review Letters , 96 (2006), 258102.
Chen, Yonghong and Rangarajan, Govindan and Ding, Mingzhou,
Stability of synchronized dynamics and pattern formation in coupled systems: review of some recent results, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. , 11 (2006), 934-960.
Sant, D. A. and Rangarajan, G. and Krishnan, K. and Basavaiah, N. and Pandya, C. and Sharma, M. and Trivedi, Y.,
“ Flood plain record of southwest Indian monsoon during the last glacial", Man and Environment , 31 (2006), 09.
Borkar, V. S. and Jain, S. and Rangarajan, G.,
Evolutionary mechanisms of organization in complex systems, Mathematical Models for Bioengineering and Probabilistic Systems , (2005), 323.
Sant, D. A. and Rangarajan, G.,
Study of Indian climate variability using predictability indices, Modern Applied Mathematics , (2005), 145.
Chen, Yonghong and Rangarajan, Govindan and Feng, Jianfeng and Ding, Mingzhou,
Analyzing multiple nonlinear time series with extended Granger causality, Phys. Lett. A , 324 (2004), 26-35.
Daya Sagar B. S. and Rangarajan, G. and Veneziano, D.,
Fractals in Geophysics, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals , 19 (2004), 237.
Ding, Mingzhou and Rangarajan, Govindan,
First passage time problem: a Fokker-Planck approach, New directions in statistical physics , (2004), 31-46.
Rangarajan, G. and Sant, D. A.,
Fractal dimensional analysis of Indian climatic dynamics, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals , 19 (2004), 285.
Sant, D. A. and Krishnan, K. and Rangarajan, G. and Basavaiah, N. and Pandya and C.,Sharma, M. and Trivedi, Y.,
Characterization of flood plain and climate change using multi-proxy records, Journal of Indian Geophysical Union , 08 (2004), 39.
Rangarajan, G. and Sant, D. A.,
Fractal dimensional analysis of Indian climatic dynamics, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals , 19 (2004), 285.
Sant, D. A. and Krishnan, K. and Rangarajan, G. and Basavaiah, N. and Pandya and C.,Sharma, M. and Trivedi, Y.,
Characterization of flood plain and climate change using multi-proxy records, Journal of Indian Geophysical Union , 08 (2004), 39.
Borkar, V. S. and Jain, S. and Rangarajan, G.,
Collective behaviour and diversity in economic communities: Some insights from an evolutionary game, The Application of Econophysics , (2003), .
Chen, Y. and Rangarajan, G. and Ding,. M.,
General stability analysis of synchronized dynamics in coupled systems, Physical Review E , 67 (2003), 026209.
Janaki, T. M. and Rangarajan, Govindan,
Expression for a general element of an SO(n) matrix, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. , (2003), 3091-3099.
Rangarajan, G.,
Polynomial map factorization of symplectic maps, International Journal of Modern Physics C , 14 (2003), 847.
Rangarajan, G. and Ding, M.,
First passage distributions for long memory processes, Lecture Notes in Physics , 621 (2003), 167.
Rangarajan, Govindan and Chen, Yonghong and Ding, Mingzhou,
Generalized Turing patterns and their selective realization in spatiotemporal systems, Phys. Lett. A , 310 (2003), 415-422.
Truccolo, W. A. and Rangarajan, G. and Chen, Y. and Ding, M.,
Analyzing stability of equilibrium points in neural networks: A general approach, Neural Networks , 16 (2003), 1453.
Rangarajan, G. and Sachidanand, M.,
An invariant norm for nonlinear Hamiltonian systems, Nonlinear systems (Chennai, 2001) , (2002), 241-263.
Rangarajan, G. and Sachidanand, M.,
Invariant metric for nonlinear symplectic maps, Pramana - Journal of Physics , 58 (2002), 477.
Rangarajan, Govindan and Ding, Mingzhou,
Stability of synchronized chaos in coupled dynamical systems, Phys. Lett. A , 296 (2002), 204-209.
Sant, D. A. and Rangarajan, G.,
Onset of climate change at last Glacial-Holocene transition: Role of the tropical Pacific, Current Science , 83 (2002), 1398.
Rangarajan, Govindan,
Symplectic integration of Hamiltonian systems using polynomial maps, Phys. Lett. A , 286 (2001), 141-147.
Rangarajan, G.,
Fractals in geophysics, “Application of Fractals in Earth Sciences" , (2000), .
Rangarajan, G.,
Applications of Lie algebraic techniques to nonlinear Hamiltoniansystems, Nonlinear Phenomena , (2000), .
Rangarajan, G. and Ding, M.,
Integrated approach to the assessment of long range correlation in time series data, Physical Review E , 61 (2000), 4991.
Rangarajan, G. and Ding, M.,
First passage time problem for biased continuous-time random walks, Fractals , 08 (2000), 139.
Rangarajan, G. and Sant, D. A.,
Paleoclimatic data from 74KL and Guliya cores: New insights, Geophysical Research Letters , 27 (2000), 787.
Rangarajan, Govindan and Ding, Mingzhou,
Anomalous diffusion and the first passage time problem, Phys. Rev. E (3) , 62 (2000), 120-133.
Rangarajan, Govindan and Ding, Mingzhou,
First passage time distribution for anomalous diffusion, Phys. Lett. A , 273 (2000), 322-330.
Rangarajan, Govindan and Sachidanand, Minita,
Symplectic integration using solvable maps, J. Phys. A , 33 (2000), 131-142.
Borkar, Vivek S. and Jain, Sanjay and Rangarajan, Govindan,
Evolutionary games with two timescales, Phys. D , 125 (1999), 155-166.
Janaki, T. M. and Rangarajan, Govindan,
Dynamic moment invariants for nonlinear Hamiltonian systems, Phys. Rev. E (3) , 59 (1999), 4577-4583.
Janaki, T. M. and Rangarajan, Govindan and Habib, Salman and Ryne, Robert D.,
Computation of the Lyapunov spectrum for continuous-time dynamical systems and discrete maps, Phys. Rev. E (3) , 60 (1999), 6614-6626.
Borkar, V. S and Jain, S and Rangarajan, G.,
Dynamics of individual specialization and global diversification in communities, Complexity , 3 (1998), 50.
Borkar, V. S. and Jain, S. and Rangarajan, G.,
Generalized replicator dynamics as a model of specialization and diversity in societies, Advances in Complex Systems , 1 (1998), 325.
Janaki, T. M. and Rangarajan, Govindan,
Lyapunov exponents for continuous-time dynamical systems, J. Indian Inst. Sci. , 78 (1998), 267-274.
Rangarajan, G. and Habib, S. and Ryne, R. D.,
Lyapunov exponents without rescaling and reorthogonalization, Physical Review Letters , 80 (1998), 3747.
Rangarajan, Govindan,
Jolt factorization of pendulum map, J. Phys. A , 31 (1998), 3649-3658.
Rangarajan, G.,
Symplectic integration of nonlinear Hamiltonian systems, Pramana -- Journal of Physics , 48 (1997), 129.
Rangarajan, G. and Sachidanand, M.,
Spherical aberration and its correction using Lie algebraic techniques, Pramana - Journal of Physics , 49 (1997), 635.
Rangarajan, G. and Sant, D. A.,
A climate predictability index and its applications, Geophysical Research Letters , 24 (1997), 1239.
Rangarajan, Govindan,
Representations of Sp(6,R) and SU(3) carried by homogeneous polynomials, J. Math. Phys. , 38 (1997), 2710-2719.
Rangarajan, Govindan,
Symplectic completion of symplectic jets, J. Math. Phys. , 37 (1996), 4514-4542.
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