These are the publications by Srikanth K. Iyer after he joined the department.
Iyer, Srikanth K. and Yogeshwaran, D.,
Thresholds for vanishing of `isolated' faces in random \vCech and Vietoris-Rips complexes, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat. , 56 (2020), 1869-1897.
Iyer, Srikanth K.,
The random connection model: connectivity, edge lengths, and degree distributions, Random Structures Algorithms , 52 (2018), 283-300.
Bennett, Nathan and Iyer, Srikanth K. and Jammalamadaka, S. Rao,
Analysis of gamma and Weibull lifetime data under a general censoring scheme and in the presence of covariates, Comm. Statist. Theory Methods , 46 (2017), 2277-2289.
Iyer, Srikanth and Vaze, Rahul,
Achieving nonzero information velocity in wireless networks, Ann. Appl. Probab. , 27 (2017), 48-64.
Iyer, Srikanth K. and Vaze, Rahul and Narasimha, Dheeraj,
Autoregressive cascades on random networks, Phys. A , 447 (2016), 345-354.
Vaze, Rahul and Iyer, Srikanth,
Percolation on the information-theoretically secure signal to interference ratio graph, J. Appl. Probab. , 51 (2014), 910-920.
Banerjee, Tamal and Ghosh, Mrinal K. and Iyer, Srikanth K.,
Pricing credit derivatives in a Markov-modulated reduced-form model, Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance , 16 (2013), 1350018, 43.
Banerjee, Tamal and Iyer, Srikanth K.,
Limit laws for coverage in backbone-sensor networks, Stochastics , 85 (2013), 98-110.
Banerjee, Tamal and Ghosh, Mrinal K. and Iyer, Srikanth K.,
Pricing defaultable bonds in a Markov modulated market, Stoch. Anal. Appl. , 30 (2012), 448-475.
Iyer, Srikanth K. and Thacker, Debleena,
Nonuniform random geometric graphs with location-dependent radii, Ann. Appl. Probab. , 22 (2012), 2048-2066.
Iyer, Srikanth K. and Yogeshwaran, D.,
Percolation and connectivity in AB random geometric graphs, Adv. in Appl. Probab. , 44 (2012), 21-41.
Athreya, Krishna B. and Athreya, Siva R. and Iyer, Srikanth K.,
Supercritical age-dependent branching Markov processes and their scaling limits, Bernoulli , 17 (2011), 138-154.
Athreya, Krishna B. and Athreya, Siva R. and Iyer, Srikanth K.,
Critical age-dependent branching Markov processes and their scaling limits, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. , 120 (2010), 363-385.
Gupta, Bhupender and Iyer, Srikanth K.,
Criticality of the exponential rate of decay for the largest nearest-neighbor link in random geometric graphs, Adv. in Appl. Probab. , 42 (2010), 631-658.
Deshpande, Amogh and Iyer, Srikanth K.,
The credit risk+ model with general sector correlations, CEJOR Cent. Eur. J. Oper. Res. , 17 (2009), 219-228.
Gupta, Bhupendra and Iyer, Srikanth K. and Manjunath, D.,
Topological properties of the one dimensional exponential random geometric graph, Random Structures Algorithms , 32 (2008), 181-204.
Iyer, Srikanth K. and Jammalamadaka, S. Rao and Kundu, Debasis,
Analysis of middle-censored data with exponential lifetime distributions, J. Statist. Plann. Inference , 138 (2008), 3550-3560.
Iyer, Srikanth K. and Manjunath, D. and Yogeshwaran, D.,
Limit laws for k-coverage of paths by a Markov-Poisson-Boolean model, Stoch. Models , 24 (2008), 558-582.
Iyer, Srikanth K.,
Branching particle systems and superprocess, J. Indian Inst. Sci. , 87 (2007), 491-496.
Iyer, Srikanth K. and Manjunath, D.,
Topological properties of random wireless networks, S\=adhan\=a , 31 (2006), 117-139.
Iyer, Srikanth K. and Manjunath, D.,
Queues with dependency between interarrival and service times using mixtures of bivariates, Stoch. Models , 22 (2006), 3-20.
Misra, Neeraj and Iyer, Srikanth K. and Singh, Harshinder,
The LINEX risk of maximum likelihood estimators of parameters of normal populations having order restricted means, Sankhy\=a , 66 (2004), 652-677.
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