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Courses taught at Stony Brook

MAT 123 - Pre-calculus
MAT 125 - Differential Calculus
MAT 126 - Integral Calculus
MAT 127 - Introduction to Differential equations and Series (This was a summer course. I was a lecturer for this course)
MAT 131 - A faster course on Differential calculus (I taught this course over the summer of 2012)
Courses taught at Johns Hopkins
107 - Calculus - 2 for Biology and Social Sciences majors
211 - Honours multivariable calculus
311 - Complex Analysis
416 - Honours Analysis 2
202 - Calculus 3
Academy workshop in MES College (March 2018) - Notes

ATM school (June 2018) on several complex variables, IISc - Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3

AIS (July 2019, IISc) : Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lectures 3 and 4 , Lectures 5 and 6, Lecture 7
Current IISc course(s)
MA 333-Riemannian Geometry in the Autumn of 2024

Past IISc courses
UM 204 (Basic Analysis) in the Spring of 2017

338 (Differentiable manifolds and Lie groups) in the Autumn of 2017

339 (Geometric Analysis) in the Spring of 2018

231 (Topology) in the Autumn of 2018 (Covered a few lectures for Harish Seshadri)

UM 203 (Introduction to Algebraic Structures) in the Spring of 2019

MA 219 (Linear Algebra) in the Autumn of 2019

MA 339 (Geometric Analysis) in the Spring of 2020

UM 102 (Analysis and Linear Algebra - 2) in the Spring of 2021

MA 229/MA235-Calculus on Manifolds/Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds in the Spring of 2022

UM 102 (Analysis and Linear Algebra - 2) in the Spring of 2022

MA 200 - Multivariable calculus in the Autumn of 2022

MA 200 - Multivariable calculus in the Autumn of 2023

MA235-Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds in the Spring of 2024