Unfortunately, no single book will do. The texts we will be following are as follows. The first two will be our main textbooks.
Wk |
Dates |
Syllabus to be covered |
1 |
1 Jan - 7 Jan |
Logistics, Naive set theory done right (Tuesday notes); Axiom of Choice, Equivalence relations, Involutions (Wednesday notes); Partial orders and Zorn's lemma, Cardinality (Thursday notes) |
2 |
8 Jan - 14 Jan |
Integers and Rationals (Tuesday notes), Complete induction and the pigeon-hole principle(Wednesday notes), Permutations and Combinations (Thursday notes) |
3 |
15 Jan - 21 Jan |
Cycles in permutations (Tuesday notes), Ordinary generating functions (Wednesday notes), Combinatorics and O.G.Fs (Thursday notes) |
4 |
22 Jan - 28 Jan |
Exponential generating functions, Graphs and the handshaking lemma (Tuesday notes), Trails, walks, Adjacency matrices (Wednesday notes), Eulerian tours (Thursday notes) |
5 |
29 Jan - 4 Feb |
Symmetric differences, Trees -> Covered by Siddhartha Gadgil (Tuesday notes (a rough sketch of my take on Siddhartha's material)), Planar graphs (Wednesday notes ), Fundamental theorem of arithmetic and Euclid's algorithm (Thursday notes ) |
6 |
5 Feb - 11 Feb |
Linear Diophantine equations, Least common multiple, Infinitude of primes (Tuesday notes), Modular arithmetic (Wednesday notes), Definitions and examples of Rings and Fields (Thursday notes) |
7 |
12 Feb - 18 Feb |
Units and zero divisors in Z/mZ, definition of Integral Domains (Tuesday notes), Fermat's and Euler's theorems (Wednesday notes), Wilson's theorem, Pythagorean primes using the Gaussian integer ring(Thursday notes) ,Midterm on 18 Feb at 2:00 pm (The syllabus is everything up to and including week 6, i.e., up to and including the definitions and examples of rings and fields.) |
8 |
19 Feb - 25 Feb |
Midterm week |
9 |
26 Feb - 4 March |
Frobenius property, a version of Euler theorem for squarefree integers, definition of Ring homomorphisms (Tuesday notes), Examples of ring homomorphisms and characteristic of a commutative ring (Wednesday notes), Frobenius endomorphism (Thursday notes) |
10 |
5 March - 11 March |
Diffey-Hellman protocol, RSA, Chinese Remainder theorem (Tuesday notes), Products of rings and the Chinese Remainder theorem, Polynomial rings (Wednesday notes), Division theorem and Euclid's algorithm for polynomials (Thursday notes) |
11 |
12 March - 18 March |
Fundamental theorem of arithmetic for polynomials, congruences, and Diophantine-like equations for polynomials (Tuesday notes), Chinese Remainder theorem for polynomials (Wednesday notes), Fundamental theorem of symmetric polynomials and cubic equations (Thursday notes) |
12 |
19 March - 25 March |
Solving the quartic and the Abel-Ruffini theorem for quintics (Tuesday notes), The Dihedral group and Cyclic groups (Wednesday notes), Subgroups of cyclic groups, Cayley's theorem (Thursday notes) |
13 |
26 March - 1 April |
Generating cycles in Sn, Lagrange's theorem for groups (Tuesday notes), Normal subgroups and quotient groups (Wednesday notes), Cauchy's theorem and the first isomorphism theorem(Thursday notes) |
14 |
2 April - 8 April |
Quadratic residues - Reduction to prime powers moduli (Tuesday notes), Quadratic residues - Reduction to prime moduli and definition of the Legendre symbol (Wednesday notes), Quadratic residues - Rules for manipulating the Legendre symbol and Euler's criterion (Thursday notes) |
15 |
8 April - 15 April |
Quadratic residues - Quadratic Reciprocity (Done on Tuesday from Childs' book). No more classes. |
Wk |
Test to be held on |
Homework (subject to changes; please check regularly) |
2 |
11 Jan |
4 |
25 Jan |
6 |
8 Feb |
7 |
15 Feb (Note this !) |
10 |
8 Mar |
11 |
15 Mar (Note this!) |
13 |
29 Mar |
14 |
5 Apr (Note this) |